Życie kulturalne ludności ukraińskiej we Lwowie w czasie okupacji niemieckiej (1941-1944)
Journal Title: Ars inter Culturas - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 6
EXPERIENCE OF CULTURAL LIFE OF UKRAINIANS OF LVIV DURING THE GERMAN OCCUPATION (1941-1944) Having studied the publications on the pages of the official press, we can recreate a picture of the rich concert life of Ukrainian musicians of Lviv during the German occu-pation. The activities of a number of musical educational institutions, concerts on the Lviv Radio, on the stages of the Literary and Art Club and the Institute of Folk Art, the German Theater at the Lviv Opera House testify to the high professional level of per-forming arts and a continuation of the traditions prevailing in prewar years. For exam-ple, after the establishment of German domination, under the veto of higher education, Ukrainian activists, in spite of this, restored the work of the Higher Music Institute named after Mykola Lysenko (called the State Musical School with the Ukrainian lan-guage of instruction) and organized other educational centers (Courses of the theory of music and compositions, two levels Conducting courses and Musical School-studio at the IFА). The Ukrainian National Committee was the driving force behind Lviv’s artistic life during the whole period of the German occupation of the city. The concert bureau as a coordinating institution not only initiated some or other concert projects, but also real-ized them in life. An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of events and their publications suggests that the years of German occupation are a vivid example of an interesting phenomenon of preserving culture as a sign of national identity and, at the same time, preserving this identity through culture.
Authors and Affiliations
Tatiana Fiszer
Художественное образование в контексте глобализации и поликультурности
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