AVALIAÇÃO DA EFICIÊNCIA DE COAGULANTES COMERCIAIS PARA APLICAÇÃO EM SISTEMAS DE TRATAMENTO DE ÁGUA Journal title: The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences Authors: A. K. K. RÔLA1, G. M. de CASTRO ; H. F. SANTANA ; J. J. L. L. de SOUZA ; D. J. SILVA Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Technology
Anthropological Analysis of the Mythological Manifestations in Seven Indigenous Islamic Places of Worship Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Leila Afsharpajooh Subject(s):
Análisis antropológico de las manifestaciones mitológicas en siete lugares de culto islámicos indígenas Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Leila Afsharpajooh Subject(s):
Análise Antropológica das Manifestações Mitológicas em Sete Lugares Islâmicos de Adoração Indígenas Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Leila Afsharpajooh Subject(s):
DEUTSCHUNTERRICHT IN DER BERUFSBILDENDEN SCHULEN Journal title: Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України. Професійна педагогіка Authors: Anne Sass Subject(s):
Hybrid ANFIS Controller for 6-DOF Manipulator with 3D Model Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Yousif Al Mashhadany Subject(s):
Myths and verities in protein folding theories Part I: Anfinsen hypothesis and the search for the global minimum in the Gibbs energy landscape Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY Authors: Arieh Ben Naim Subject(s):
Population analysis of Tapes decussata (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Lake Timsah, Suez Canal, Egypt Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN BIOLOGY Authors: Kandeel El-SayedKandeel Subject(s):
POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT OF UNBALANCED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USING ANFIS BASED D-STATCOM Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and life sciences Authors: Kothuri Ramakrishna Subject(s):
THE MANAGEMENT OF THE BLOOD TRANSFUSION IN SPINAL SURGERY Journal title: Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery Authors: Hikmet Özer SEVAL, Nurdönüş CANDAN, Mesut ŞENER, Selim CANDAN Subject(s): Medicine, Surgery
Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Guanfacine Effects on QTc and Heart Rate in Pediatric Patients Journal title: The AAPS Journal Authors: William Knebel, James Ermer, Jaideep Purkayastha, Patrick Martin, Marc R. Gastonguay Subject(s): Medicine
A design research business model: A framework built with Brazilian farmers Journal title: BAR: Brazilian Administration Review Authors: André Luiz Surdi Debastiani, Graziela Dias Alperstedt, Grazielli Faria Zimmer Santos , Graziele Vent... Subject(s): Business Administration, Educational Administration
Socio Religious Reform Movements among the Muslim in Jammu and Kashmir during Dogra Period Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Najma Zahoor Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Is Mucopolysaccharidosis a Cause of Sleep and Speech Disorders? Report of Four Cases? Journal title: Journal of Academic Research in Medicine Authors: Nafiye Urgancı, Derya Kalyoncu, Reyhan Gümüştekin Subject(s): Medicine, General Medicine
SISTEM PENGELOLAAN DAN NILAI EKONOMI SAMPAH DI PEMUKIMAN KAMPUNG PULO GEULIS KOTA BOGOR Journal title: Jambura Agribusiness Journal Authors: Cindra May Ningrum, Asti Istiqomah, Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness