Association of Periodontal Disease and ABO blood groups: A cross-sectional study Journal title: Scholars Bulletin Authors: C.D. Dhalkari, Maya Indurkar, Kantilal Ingle, Abhishek Singh Nayyar Subject(s):
Comparative Efficacy of Various Antigens from Setaria Sp. in the Serodiagnosis of Setarial Microfilariosis in Bovines Using Counter Current Immuno-electrophoresis Journal title: International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Diva technology: indispensable tool for the control of Johne's disease Journal title: Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences Authors: J S Sohall, Sujata Jayaraman, Mukta Jain, Kuldeep Dhama, S V Singh, Manali Datta, Neelam Jain, K K C... Subject(s):
Two-stage diagnostic scheme (enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay and immunoblot) of Lyme borreliosis among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis Journal title: Туберкульоз, легеневі хвороби, ВІЛ-інфекція Authors: L.P. Melnyk, L.A. Hryshchuk, М.I. Shkilna, N.A. Vasylieva Subject(s):
Correlation of serum PSA level with histomorphologic study in prostatic diseases Journal title: Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology Authors: Neelam Sharma, Kavita Kumari, Sudershan Kumar Sharma, Saroj Jaswal, Kailash Barwal Subject(s):
Blood group reckoning: Unraveling the mystery of blood group antigens Journal title: Annals of Medical Physiology Authors: Mehnaaz Sameera Arifuddin Subject(s): Physiology
Frequency of Rh Phenotypes in Voluntary Blood Donors Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Rashi Pachaury Subject(s):
A STUDY ON THE PHENOTYPIC FREQUENCIES OF Rh ANTIGENS AMONG BLOOD DONORS OF A TEACHING INSTITUTION, KERALA Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Anjana Mohan, Sasikala Nadanganan, Meena Dharmadas Subject(s):
A STUDY OF ASSOCIATION OF ABO BLOOD GROUP TYPES AND ABH SECRETOR STATUS IN PATIENTS OF TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS IN KADAPA DISTRICT Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Parveen S, Chandra Sekhar A. Subject(s):
A newly discovered controversial role of the neutralizing HCV antibodies in the relapse of hepatitis C virus Journal title: Journal of Hepatology and Gastroenterology Authors: Salah Sh, Mubaraki AM, Ghaleb HA, Ehab H, EL-Hariri HM Subject(s): Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Immune analysis assessment of immunized hens with a complex of antigens by qualitative and quantitative testing of immunoglobulins obtained from their hyperimmune eggs Journal title: Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug Authors: Mariana Oporanu, Madalina Tablica, Teodora Supeanu, Lucica Sima, Viorica Chiurciu, Constantin Chiurc... Subject(s):
Detection Of Wuchereria Bancrofti And Onchocerca Volvulus Antigens Using Igg4 Antibodies Among Residents Of Bakassi Local Government Area Of Cross River State, Nigeria Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Mbah , M, akpan S.S, Ogba. O. M& Agiande . J Subject(s):
Anti-Synepthelichorial Placenta Scfv Library Construction Journal title: Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences Authors: Paulo Henrique Costa de Lima, Luiz Augusto Vieira Cordeiro Subject(s):
Cytomorphic Study of Lymphocytic Thyroiditis: A Correlation between Cytological Grade and Biochemical Parameters Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Iha ., Aparna Bhardwaj, Rajnish Kumar, Seema Acharya Subject(s):
RECENT ADVANCES ON RECOMBINANT ANTIGENS FOR CONTROLLING PARASITIC PROTOZOA: DIAGNOSIS AND VACCINE DESIGN Journal title: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Mojgan Bandehpour Subject(s):