First record of Trypanosoma infection in Mediterranean mouse (Mus macedonicus Petrov & Ružić, 1983) in Bulgaria Journal title: ZooNotes Authors: VESELA MITKOVSKA, TSENKA CHASSOVNIKAROVA, HRISTO DIMITROV Subject(s):
STUDY OF FLUORESCENCE ENERGY TRANSFER IN LASERACTIVE MEDIUM MOLECULES (ACRIDINE ORANGE+POPUP) DYES Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Noora Aziz Alweiy, Lazem Hassan Aboud Subject(s):
Acridine Orange Fluroscence Study of Lung - Histopathology in Autopsy Cases of Burns Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology (IJFP) Authors: Viral M. Bhanvadia Subject(s):
Determination of Pattern of Multiple Antibacterial Resistance In Clinical Bacterial Isolates of Wound Infections Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: A. N. Umo, S. S. Simeon, S. A. Adie, E. J. Mendie Subject(s):
Enhanced sensitivity of Diagnosis of Neonatal septicemia using blood cultures in conjunction with C - reactive protein and Buffy coat smears Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. N. Padmapriya, Dr. D. S. Murty Subject(s):
A Fluorescence Microscopy Study of Seminal Fluid In Infertile Males Using Acridineorange Dye To Assess DNA Integrity Along With Semen Analysis Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. Gaurav Pawar, Dr.Kuldip Kumar, Dr. Chanpreetkaur pawar, Dr. Manoj K. Sharma, Dr. Jaspinderpratap... Subject(s):
COMPARISION OF PURE MEMBRANES OF 13X AND 5A ZEOLITE FOR REMOVAL OF ACRIDINE ORANGE DYE FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS Journal title: Periódico Tchê Química Authors: Subject(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Pharmacy, Biology, Agricultural sciences
IN-VITRO SCREENING OF METHANOLIC LEAF EXTRACTS OF ALBAZIA SAMAN (Jacq.)Merr, FOR THEIR CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY Journal title: Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Subject(s):
A Comparative Study of Microscopic Detection Methods and Haematological Changes in Malaria Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Saroj Pachori, Parminder Pachori, Geeta Pachori, Nishi Rani Dixit, Tushar Bayela, Aditi Sirohi Subject(s):
Isolation and screening of biopolyester (poly-β-hydroxybutyrate) producing bacteria from compost samples in Bangladesh Journal title: Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Authors: Fahmida Karim, Tabassum Mumtaz, A. N. M. Fakhruddin, Mahbubar Khan Subject(s):