Specyfika stylu życia w Zamościu – podejście interdyscyplinarne Journal title: Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy Authors: Bartłomiej Iwańczak Subject(s):
The multifaceted and dynamic self as the basis of identity Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Anna Batory Subject(s):
Toksoplazmozis: Tanıda moleküler yöntemlerin değeri geleneksel yöntemlere göre Journal title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Authors: Zineb Tlamçani, Zohra Lemkhenete, Badre Lmimouni Subject(s):
Self-Complexity and the Sense of Identity Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Anna Suchańska, Agnieszka Worach Subject(s):
Protesty kibiców piłkarskich w Polsce w XXI wieku. Analiza ruchu społecznego. Journal title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ Authors: Rafał Chwedoruk Subject(s): Social Sciences
Lietuvių, anglų ir norvegų kalbų baudžiamosios teisės terminai Journal title: Kalbu studijos / Studies about Languages Authors: Violeta Janulevičienė, Sigita Rackevičienė Subject(s):
Wpływ strategii co-brandingu na pozycjonowanie marek partnerskich i marki co-brandingowej Journal title: Zarządzanie i Finanse Authors: Magdalena Grębosz Subject(s):
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY PROGRAMMES OF ACCOUNTING, ANALYSIS AND AUDIT OF ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND MINSK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS Journal title: Role of Higher Education Institutions in Society: Challenges, Tendencies and Perspectives Authors: Kęstutis Tamulevičius, Natalija Kožar Subject(s):
A meaning of diagnosis to patient's identity. Part 2: Construction or recognition? Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Krzysztof Dyga, Małgorzata Opoczyńska Subject(s):
Attitudes toward Globalization and Identity Styles Journal title: Roczniki Psychologiczne Authors: Alicja Senejko, Zbigniew Łoś Subject(s):
SOCIALINĖS PARAMOS KONCEPCIJOS KOMPLEKSIŠKUMO DISKURSAS ĮKALINIMO INSTITUCIJOSE Journal title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika Authors: Aistė Bartkevičienė, Dalia Žąsytytė, Remigijus Bubnys Subject(s):
Criminal Law Terms in Lithuanian, Norwegian and English Journal title: Kalbu studijos / Studies about Languages Authors: Violeta Janulevičienė, Sigita Rackevičienė Subject(s):
PRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND HPLC ANALYSIS OF FLAVONOID FROM METHANOLIC EXTRACT OF LEAVES OF ANNONA SQUAMOSA Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Himesh Soni , Sarvesh Sharma , Sita Patel , K Mishra , A.K. Singhai Subject(s):
Annona squamosa Linn: Cytotoxic activity found in leaf extract against human tumor cell lines Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: De-Shen Wang , Ghazala H Rizwani , Huiqin Guo , Mansoor Ahmed , Maryam Ahmed , Syed Zeeshan Hassan ,... Subject(s):