Some Parameters of Migration of the Population in Ukraine in 2010–2014: Dynamics of Changes Journal title: Демографія та соціальна економіка Authors: I.O. Mostova Subject(s):
LABOUR MARKET IN POST CONFLICT STATE OF A COUNTRY Journal title: Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право Authors: Kateryna SHYMANSKA Subject(s):
SPATIAL CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF THE SYRIAN REFUGEES IN KİLİS CITY Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Muazzez HARUNOĞULLARI Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Mental Health Challenges in Immigrant and Refugee Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Journal title: Health in Emergencies & Disasters Quarterly Authors: Meysam Safi Keykaleh, Katayoon Jahangiri, Shahnaz Tabatabaie Subject(s):
Refugees migration as a factor of human resources redistribution in the world: problems of conflict economy’s development Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: економіка, управління та адміністрування Authors: V.V. Ievdokymov, K.V. Shymanska Subject(s):
ROLE OF ATTRACTIVENESS FACTORS OF THE OECD COUNTRIES IN IMMIGRATIONS Journal title: UTMS Journal of Economics Authors: Kristina Duvnjak, Sinisa Bogdan, Suzana Baresa Subject(s):
Tarptautinio socialinio darbo ypatumai : socialinės pagalbos teikėjų pabėgėliams ir prieglobsčio prašytojams Lietuvoje bei Švedijoje požiūris Journal title: Tiltai Authors: Violeta Ivanauskienė, Almanė Pakrijauskaitė Subject(s):
State and legal regulation of refugees’ and asylum seekers’ migration in EU as institutional basis of management of international migrations Journal title: Проблеми теорії та методології бухгалтерського обліку, контролю і аналізу: міжнародний збірник наукових праць Authors: V.V. Ievdokymov, К.V. Shymanska Subject(s):
A Sociological Approach to the Phenomenon of Forced-Mass Migration: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Turkey Journal title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- Authors: Salih AYDEMİR, Mehmet Cem ŞAHİN Subject(s):
The Images and Rights of Migrants in the Kenyan Media Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Subject(s):
International Migration into Europe – An Old-new Challenge from the Afro-Asian Neighbourhood Journal title: EUROLIMES Authors: Károly KOCSIS, Judit MOLNÁR SANSUM, Gábor MICHALKÓ, Zsolt BOTTLIK, Balázs SZABÓ, Dániel BALIZS, Györ... Subject(s):
Investigation of Infections in Illegal Immigrants Brought To the Emergency Department of a Hospital Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Erdal Tekin1, Selma Sezen, Fatma Kesmez Can Subject(s):
ПРОБЛЕМА ШУКАЧІВ ПРИТУЛКУ ТА ЇЇ ВПЛИВ НА ФОРМУВАННЯ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія Authors: Nataliia Kadenko Subject(s):
Features of legal regulation of realization of the constitutional right of a person to seek asylum in Ukraine Journal title: Прикарпатський юридичний вісник Authors: Я. О. Грабова Subject(s):
Quarrels between Young Refugees and Young Germans in Bautzen: How Has it Turned into Bad Treatment against Refugees and What Are the Effects? Journal title: Journal of Identity and Migration Studies Authors: Ahmad AL AJLAN Subject(s):