Art, Trent, and Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment” Journal title: Religions Authors: John O'Malley Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Transimmanence and the Im/possible Relationship between Eschatology and Transcendence Journal title: Religions Authors: Anné Hendrik Verhoef Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Spirit of Laws and the Debate about Russian Despotism Journal title: Studia Litterarum Authors: Ekaterina N. Vasilyeva Subject(s): Literature, Languages and Literature
The story of the courtship of Catherine “The Circassian”, the second wife of the prince Vasile Lupu Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Lilia Zabolotnaia Pavel Subject(s):
Francuski przełom w badaniach nad rzymską dyscypliną wojskową Journal title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia Authors: Michał Faszcza Subject(s):
Cultural Development and Westernization Efforts of Russia in the First Half of the XVIII'th Century Journal title: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Authors: Zulfiya Şahin Subject(s):
Jean Chappe d’Autroche and his Voyage to Siberia (1768). Demystifying Russia under Catherine the Great Journal title: Cywilizacja i Polityka Authors: Marek Mosakowski Subject(s):
Posters presentation of history about author’s performance-buffet plastic Journal title: Історія торгівлі, податків та мита Authors: А. С. Сердюк, А. А. Кондрашов Subject(s):
HISTORICAL AND LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE OF CATHERINE II «PROJECT ON THE PRISONS CHARTER» OF 1787 Journal title: Порівняльно-аналітичне право Authors: І. В. Іваньков Subject(s):
Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod Ivan Ivanovich Melissino and his reforme s attempt of the Russian Orthodox Church Journal title: Література та культура Полісся Authors: O Parkhomenko Subject(s):
Alexander Nikolayevich Radishchev and Destiny of Russian Enlightenment Journal title: Studia z Historii Filozofii Authors: Ondrej Marchevsky Subject(s):
Salvaguardar el poder Real: Catalina de Médicis durante las Guerras de Religión (1559-1589) Journal title: Alejandría Authors: Gema Piñera Marín Subject(s): Humanities