GCG Role and Audit Quality in Reducing Earnings Management Action in Indonesian Manufacturing Firms Journal title: Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Authors: Sigit Handoyo, Windri Bulan Agustianingrum Subject(s):
The Role of Corporate Governance as a Leverage Moderating and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Management Journal title: Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Authors: Reni Yendrawati, Erin Febriana Asy’ari Subject(s):
Accounting expertise in the audit committee and earnings management Journal title: Business and Economic Horizons Authors: Mujeeb Saif Mohsen Al-Absy, Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail, Sitraselvi Chandren Subject(s):
FORMATION OF BODIES OF SELF-ORGANIZATION OF THE POPULATION AS A FORM OF DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT Journal title: Вчені записки Таврійський національний університет імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія: Історичні науки Authors: Ю. Мальчин Subject(s):
Board diversity, audit committee characteristics and audit quality: The moderating role of control-ownership wedge Journal title: Business and Economic Horizons Authors: Aree Saeed Mustafa, Ayoib Che-Ahmad, Sitraselvi Chandren Subject(s):
Shareholder’s involvement in the audit committee, audit quality and financial reporting lag in Nigeria Journal title: Business and Economic Horizons Authors: Ishaq Ahmed Mohammed, Ayoib Che-Ahmad Subject(s):
The potential of League of Nations Health Organization in the fight against infectious diseases Journal title: Альманах міжнародного права Authors: К.П. КЛИМЕНКО Subject(s):
The process of decolonization in XXI century Journal title: Альманах міжнародного права Authors: В. М. Павліченко Subject(s):
ACTIVITY OF ALL-UKRAINIAN COMMITTEE OF ASSISTANCE TO SCIENTISTS IN KYIV IN 1920s: SOCIAL CONTROL Journal title: Київські історичні студії Authors: Oleksandr Bon Subject(s):
INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE INTO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM Journal title: Науковий погляд: економіка та управління Authors: Olena Sosedka, Valentin Minyailo Subject(s):
Current Problems Protection of Business Reputation Business Entities in Ukraine Journal title: Право та державне управління Authors: А. М. Апаров, В. В. Лобченко Subject(s):
THE ACTIVITIES OF THE MONUMENT PROTECTIVE AGENCIES IN SHEPETIVKA DISTRICT IN 1920–1930s Journal title: Київські історичні студії Authors: Olga Baitaliuk Subject(s):
Critical overview of Report of the Supreme Court Committee on Reforms in Cricket Journal title: Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior Authors: Kasturi Bhagat Subject(s):
Беларуская дэлегацыя ў Петраградзе: першая спроба «арганізаваць Беларусь» (красавік 1917 года) Journal title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni Authors: Аляксандр Смалянчук Subject(s):
ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РЕФОРМУВАННЯ РАДИ БЕЗПЕКИ ООН Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Право Authors: Y. V. Hodovanyk, O.V. Dereko Subject(s):