O wolności tworzenia w pedagogicznych poszukiwaniach Stanisławskiego Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Magdalena Zaorska Subject(s):
Lęk jako przykład emocji ograniczającej działalność rekreacyjną oraz wspomagającej proces szkolenia trenerów outdoor Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Patryk Czermak, Aleksandra Chudobina Subject(s):
Qualitative and Hierarchical Analysis of Protective Factors against Illicit Use of Doping Substances in Athletes Calling a National Anti-Doping Phone-Help Service Journal title: Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Authors: Sara A. Mohamed, Jean Bilard, Denis Hauw Subject(s):
Recreation and tourism potential of the Siversky Donets river basin (within Kharkiv region) Journal title: Проблеми безперервної географічної освіти і картографії Authors: Valentyna Klymenko, Anna Brezhneva, Yulia Kotenko Subject(s):
An Exploration into the Qur’anic Evidence of the Legal Ruling on the Alteration of Allah’s Creation in Newly-emerged Medical Issues Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Maryam Sabbaqi Nadoushan, Abbas Ali Soltani Subject(s):
Methods of Physical Recreation of Students Trained in Kickboxing Section Journal title: Teoria ta metodika fizicnogo vihovanna Authors: S. Pashkevych, E. Kryukov Subject(s):
Рекреационное скалолазание как метод повышения функционального состояния студентов Journal title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация Authors: Е.А. Репко, Ж.Л. Козина, В.Р. Лещенко, И.В. Гребнева, Ю.А. Новиков Subject(s):
National idea as value-determinant of state-creation process in Ukraine Journal title: Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія Authors: Юрій Калиновський Subject(s):
Mutual Massage as a Recreation Means for Students of Schools of Physical Training and Sports Journal title: Teoria ta metodika fizicnogo vihovanna Authors: S.A. Pashkevich, A.V. Popova, I.K. Petrushko Subject(s):
The quality of sport- recreation services Journal title: Quality in Sport Authors: Agnieszka Widawska-Stanisz Subject(s): Business Administration, Sports and Recreation, Human Resource Management, Management and Strategy, Entertainment, Sports and Gaming Law, Management and Marketing, Professional Sports
The social competence of swimming instructor Journal title: Quality in Sport Authors: Anna Wiśniewska Subject(s): Business Administration, Sports and Recreation, Human Resource Management, Management and Strategy, Entertainment, Sports and Gaming Law, Management and Marketing, Professional Sports
The quality of sport- recreation services with regard of fitness club for women Journal title: Quality in Sport Authors: Agnieszka Widawska-Stanisz Subject(s): Business Administration, Sports and Recreation, Human Resource Management, Management and Strategy, Entertainment, Sports and Gaming Law, Management and Marketing, Professional Sports
Информационно-методическое обеспечение кластера детского оздоровительного отдыха [Information and methodological support of the cluster of children wellness recreation] Journal title: Traektoriâ Nauki Authors: Svetlana Ivanova Subject(s):
Civil Law Obligations in the Financial Law Regulations A seminar at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Torun, 24 March 2015 Journal title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu Authors: Małgorzata Cilak, Mirosław Bączyk, Monika Wałachowska, Andrzej Borodo, Tomasz Justyński Subject(s):
Nadzór korporacyjny w sieciowej formie koordynacji gospodarki i zasobowej koncepcji przewagi konkurencyjnej Journal title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne Authors: Adam Peszko Subject(s):