Multicast Routing Protocols in Adhoc Mobile networks Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: S.Nagaprasad , A.VinayaBabu , K.Madhukar, , B.Sujatha , B.AnandKumar , N.Veena , J.Sunitha Subject(s):
Modeling the Effects of Early Childhood Intervention Variables on Parent and Family Well-Being Journal title: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods Authors: Carl DUNST, Deborah HAMBY, Jeffri BROOKFIELD Subject(s):
Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Dersinde UygulamaOkullarında Karşılaşılan Sorunların Sınıf ve OkulÖncesi Öğretmenliği Öğrenci Görüşleri Çerçevesindeİncelenmesi: Nitel Bir Çalışma Journal title: Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Özden DEMİR, Özgül ÇAMLI Subject(s):
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in childhood: Single center experience Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Ayşe Kartal, Kürşad Aydın Subject(s):
Modified Ant Colony Based Routing Algorithm in Manet Journal title: International Journal of Computer & organization Trends(IJCOT) Authors: Jayita Mandal , Himadri Nath Saha Subject(s):
Akciğer tüberkülozlu çocuk hastaların klinik ve laboratuvar özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Velat Şen, Ünal Uluca, Süreyya Yılmaz, Hadice Şen, Tuba Tuncel, Ali Güneş, Müsemma Karabel, Me... Subject(s):
Adaptation of the Curriculum to Suit Children with Visual Impairment in Integrated ECD Centres in Kenya: A Case of Narok Sub-County Journal title: Educational Research International Authors: Mary Shinali, Christina Mnjokava, Ruth Thinguri Subject(s):
Knowledge and child care practices regarding childhood diarrhoea- A cross sectional study Journal title: Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH) Authors: Atul Choube, Shiv Bahal, Anurag Srivastava, Mukesh Sharma Subject(s):
Çocukluk Çağı Epilepsisinin Aileye Etkisi Journal title: Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry Authors: Kerim Fazlıoglu, Cicek Hocaoglu, F. Mujgan Sonmez Subject(s):
STUDY OF KRIMIGHNA EFFECT OF NIMBA (AZADIRACTA INDICA A.JUSS.) PATRA AS RAKSHOGHNA DHOOPAN BY CULTURE AND SENSITIVITY METHOD W.S.R. TO PYOGENIC BACTERIA Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Rajesh Mhaske , Ragini Patil , Satyendrakumar Singh Subject(s):
Enzyme activity, hormone concentration in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) during cold acclimation Journal title: Журнал ÑтреÑÑ-физиологии и биохимии Authors: Lin Zhang, Wanlong Zhu, Zhengkun Wang Subject(s):
Analiza cech histoklinicznych w grupie dzieci z infekcją Helicobacter pylori potwierdzoną w raportach histopatologicznych Journal title: Family Medicine & Primary Care Review Authors: Katarzyna Taran, Katarzyna Prasał, Ewa Toporowska-Kowalska, Krystyna Wąsowska-Królikowska, Józef... Subject(s):
Çocukluk çağında akut dissemine ensefalomiyelit: Tek merkez deneyimi Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Ayşe Kartal, Kürşad Aydın Subject(s):
Influence of cumulated sexual trauma on sexual life and relationship of a patient Journal title: Psychiatria Polska Authors: Jerzy Sobański, Katarzyna Klasa, Łukasz Müldner-Nieckowski, Edyta Dembińska, Krzysztof Rutkowski, Bo... Subject(s):
Inspecting Vanet for Determined Ways with Watertight Connectivity Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Ms. Pradnya kamble, Dr. M.M. Kshirsagar, Subject(s):