Caracterización sociodemográfica y estudio de tamizaje de cáncer cérvico uterino en un centro de salud universitario en Popayán Cauca durante el año 2015
Small Unit of Stand Alone Wind Based Energy Storage System and Reliable Power Supply Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
FORMATION OF UKRAINIAN DOMESTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL THOUGHT PSYCHOLOGY IN STRUCTURE STOLIITTYA XX: INTERNALIZATOIN, CATFRSIS, ECSTASY Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Психологія Authors: Ivan Danylyuk, Dmitry Larin Subject(s):
Customer Satisfaction Avenues in Retail Banking Related to Public Sector Banks of India Journal title: Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities Authors: Dr Pankaj Kumar Varshney Subject(s):
Regional anesthetics: traditions and innovations Journal title: Medicina bolu Authors: A. I. Haas, D. O. KOval, O. O. Haas Subject(s):
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: a rare case report Journal title: Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences Authors: Dr. Masood H Khan, Dr. Anshul Aggarwal, Mahira kirmani, Dr. Kausher J Khwaja Subject(s):
Cardiac Arrest After Status Epilepticus: Bupropion and Ecstasy Intoxication Journal title: Türk Yoğun Bakım Dergisi Authors: Zübeyde Tuba Duran, Pınar Karabacak, Kemal Yetiş Gülsoy, Hatice Akdu, Füsun Eroğlu Subject(s):
Komunikacja alternatywna i wspomagająca w pracy z dzieckiem ze spektrum autyzmu Journal title: Konteksty Pedagogiczne Authors: Anna Borzęcka Subject(s):
GA Based Controller for Autonomous Wind-DG Micro grid Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Authors: B.Anil kumar, Dr.D. Obulesu Subject(s):