PREVALENCE OF NAIL BITINGAMONG PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN BITOLA Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Authors: Domnika. RAJCHANOVSKA| PHI Health Centre, Bitola, R. Macedonia, Epidemiology and Biostatistics with... Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics
slugA Review of Automatic License Plate Detection Using Edge Detection Methods Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: THOMAS K T, VAIJAYANTHIMALA J Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
PERCEPTION OF AMPLITUDE ONSET SIGNALS IN CHINESE CHILDREN WITH READING DIFFICULTIES AND SPECIFIC LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENTS Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Authors: Chun-Han CHIANG| Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, I-Chen... Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics
Modeling the stress complexities of teaching and learning of school physics in Nigeria Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Moses E. Emetere| Department of Physics, Covenant University, Canaan land, P.M.B 1023, Ota‐Nigeria F... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Challenges faced by teachers implementing socio-scientific issues as core elements in their classroom practices Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Ulrika Bossér *| Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Swede... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
How well do students in secondary school understand temporal development of dynamical systems? Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Matej Forjan| School Centre Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112, SI-8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia, Faculty of I... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Promising teacher practices: students’ views about their science learning Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Azra Moeed, Matthew Easterbrook Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Light pollution in natural science textbooks in Spanish secondary education Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Teresa Muñoz Contel| Department of Experimental and Social Science Teaching, University of Valencia,... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Organization of physics content knowledge for teaching purposes: From knowledge justification schemes to didactical schemes Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: Maija Nousiainen| Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland For correspondence: maija.n... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
Developing a pedagogical model for a massive open online course (MOOC) Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Authors: David Robinson *| Department of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems, The Open University, Milton Keyne... Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics
The Evaluation of Public Space Usage According to Different Socio-Economic Structures Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design Authors: Elif KUTAY KARAÇOR| Duzce University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture elif... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Comparing Furniture Preference of Housing Living Spaces of Housing Users from Different Socio-Economic Status Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design Authors: Aylin ARAS, Research Assistant, PhD| Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Interior Architec... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
Evaluation of Upper Socio Economic Status Aparments in Open Living Spaces, in Terms of Residential Usage Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design Authors: Kemal YILDIRIM| Prof.Dr., Gazi Üniversitesi, Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi, Mobilya ve Dekorasyon Eğitimi... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
A Re-Reading of Turkish Modern Architecture after Derrida Journal title: Online Journal of Art and Design Authors: Şengül Öymen Gür| TC Beykent University, Department of Architecture, İstanbul, TURKEY Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Design Automation
A Classifier Ensemble of Binary Classifier Ensembles Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology Authors: Hamid Parvin| Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Nourabad Mamasani Branch, Nourabad, Ira... Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering