Iranian Muslim Reformists and Contemporary Ethics: Revival of “Utilitarianism” Journal title: insan & toplum Authors: Hossein Dabbagh, Soroush Dabbagh Subject(s):
Phylogeny and Bioinformatics Study on Leaf Tissue Genes for Selected Elite Cultivars of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.) in the Rain Forest Ecology of Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology Authors: Godwin Michael Ubi, Chioma M. Okolo Adilieje, Nneka Constance Ogbonna, Success Kalu Eni Subject(s):
Reliable Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration Containing Distributed Generation Using Evolutionary Algorithm Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Mahmoud Boskabadi, Mahmoud Oukati Sadegh Subject(s):
Evaluation of Calinski-Harabasz Criterion as Fitness Measure for Genetic Algorithm Based Segmentation of Cervical Cell Nuclei Journal title: Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Authors: Caglar Cengizler, M. Kerem Un Subject(s):
Evolutionary Economics as a Trend in Modern Economics: An Overview Journal title: Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie Authors: Tomasz Zalega Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Management
A New Layout for English Letters on the Keyboard Using Evolutionary Strategy Journal title: روش های هوشمند در صنعت برق Authors: Ali Asghar Poorhajikazam, Kian Nimgaz Naghsh Subject(s):
Reactive Power Optimization in the Presence of FACTS Devices Using Evolutionary Algorithms based on Fuzzy Logic Journal title: روش های هوشمند در صنعت برق Authors: Sasan Ghasemi, Eskandar Gholipoor Subject(s):
A Solution to the N-Queens Problem Using Biogeography-Based Optimization Journal title: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence Authors: Ali Habiboghli, Tayebeh Jalali Subject(s):
High Level Synthesis Scheduling with Evolutionary Programming Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT INFORMATION AND TELEMATICS SYSTEMS OF TRANSPORT VEHICLES Journal title: Автомобильный транспорт Authors: O. Nikonov, V. Shulyakov Subject(s):
STRATEGIC ANALYSIS AS AN INFORMATIONAL BASIS FOR MARKETING DECISIONS AT A HIGHER EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT Journal title: Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг Authors: Олена Жегус, Olena Zhegus Subject(s):
Deriving Transition Probabilities and Evolutionary Distances from Substitution Rate Matrix by Probability Reasoning Journal title: Journal of Genetics and Genome Research Authors: Subject(s):
Evolutionary Trends in Hydrocharitaceae Seagrasses Journal title: Annual Research & Review in Biology Authors: Alice Benzecry, Sheila Brack-Hanes Subject(s):
The Effect of Variable Spontaneous Curvature on Dynamic Evolution of Two-Phase Vesicle Journal title: Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering Authors: Mohammad Mahdi Sahebifard, Alireza Shahidi, Saeed Ziaei-Rad Subject(s): Engineering, Chemical, Engineering, Environmental, Biochemical Research Methods, Engineering, Biomedical
Ethnos and Individual as Subjects of Social Reality: Consistent Patterns of Interconnection in its Modern State Journal title: Соціологічні студії Authors: Yuliia Yemelianova Subject(s):