Zaburzenie dysmorficzne (BDD) – trudny pacjent w gabinecie stomatologicznym Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Paulina Kresa, Barbara Wyszomirska-Zdybel, Igor Kresa Subject(s):
A study of relative value of percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology and bronchoscopy in pulmonary lesions Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research and Review Authors: Anand Srivastava, Awdhesh Kumar, Ambarish Joshi, Ajay Kumar Verma, Sudhir Chaudhary, Surya KantK.G.M... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Microbiology, Anatomy, Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Otolaryngology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
Göz İçi Lensler Üzerinde, icaA ve icaD Genleri Pozitif ve Negatif olan İki Staphylococcus Epidermidis Klinik Suşunun Biyofilm Oluşturma Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması Journal title: TÜRK OFTALMOLOJİ DERGİSİ Authors: Sertaç Argun Kıvanç, Merih Kıvanç, Volkan Kılıç, Gülay Güllülü, Ahmet Tuncer Özmen Subject(s):
Göz İçi Lenslerde Biyouyumluluk Journal title: TÜRK OFTALMOLOJİ DERGİSİ Authors: Pelin Özyol, Erhan Özyol, Fatih Karel Subject(s):
CONNECTION CAPACITY OF THE TRANSITION ZONE IN STEEL-CONCRETE HYBRID BEAM Journal title: Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Authors: Piotr KOZIOŁ, Maciej KOŻUCH, Wojciech LORENC, Sławomir ROWIŃSKI Subject(s):
READING THE STATE OF IMMIGRATION UPON THE ENVIRONMENT: EXAMPLE OF GAZIANTEP’S SYRIAN URBAN REFUGEES IN THE EYES OF THE TURKISH Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Fatih KAHRAMAN Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
TEXTILE IMPACT PLATES FOR NANOPARTICLES Journal title: Annals of the University of Oradea. Fascicle of Textiles, Leatherwork Authors: Emilia VISILEANU, Iuliana DUMITRESCU, Elena VARZARU, Cornelia MITRAN, Laura CHIRIAC Subject(s):
"NETLESSFOBIA" STAY IN CONNECTION OR NOT THAT IS THE ALL FEAR: FEAR OF BEING WITHOUT INTERNET AND ORGANIZATIONAL REFLECTIONS Journal title: The Journal of International Social Research Authors: Umut Can ÖZTÜRK Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Sociology
Samooczyszczające się hydrofobowe systemy tribologiczne Journal title: Tribologia Authors: Krzysztof Wierzcholski, Andrzej Miszczak Subject(s):
XXI FESTIWAL NAUKI DEBATA: „JAK POWSTRZYMAĆ KSENOFOBIĘ”, Warszawa, 1 października 2017 Journal title: Zagadnienia Społeczne Authors: Hanna Hamer Subject(s):
Sojusz akademii z aktywizmem, czyli łódzki program edukacji równościowej Journal title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura Authors: Izabela Desperak Subject(s):
Investigating psychometric properties of Selfobject Needs Inventory in Turkish society Journal title: Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi Authors: Sema Yurduşen, Faruk Gençöz Subject(s):
Akarofobia – czy rodzice z Wielkopolski boją się kleszczy? Journal title: Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej Authors: Agnieszka Błasiak, Patrycja Opalińska, Adrian Łukowski, Małgorzata Krokowska-Paluszak, Anna Wierzbic... Subject(s):
TRADITIONAL COSMOLOGY AND NATURE CONSERVATION AT THE BOMFOBIRI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY OF GHANA Journal title: Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука Authors: Dickson Adom Subject(s):
Bronchoscopic Procedures Yield in Endoscopically Visible and Peripheral Lung Malignancy: Prospective Analysis of 100 Lung Cancer Patients Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Dr. Manoj Kumar Arya, Dr. Mahendra Kumar Bainara, Dr. Mayanka Seth Subject(s):