Wpływ aplikacji plastrowania dynamicznego na efekty fizjoterapii chorych po złamaniu nasady dalszej kości promieniowej typu Collesa Journal title: Fizjoterapia Polska Authors: Marcin Krajczy, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Dybek, Piotr Kiczyński, Edyta Krajczy, Ann... Subject(s):
IMPACT OF HAPTIC TECHNOLOGY ON STEERING QUALITY IN MECHATRONIC DEVIECES Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Bartosz Minorowicz, Amadeusz Nowak, Frederik Stefański Subject(s):
WPŁYW TECHNOLOGII HAPTYCZNEJ NA JAKOŚĆ STEROWANIA W URZĄDZENIACH MECHATRONICZNYCH Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Bartosz Minorowicz, Amadeusz Nowak, Frederik Stefański Subject(s):
Knowledge of students from the Institute nursery at the Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole regarding natural feeding of infants Journal title: Medical Science Pulse Authors: Ewa Kopitza, Izabela Wróblewska Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine
Functions and responsibilities performed by the registered nurse over the patient fed enterally in the intensive care unit Journal title: Medical Science Pulse Authors: Elżbieta Szlenk-Czyczerska Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine
Identification of number and thickness of new test section pavement model layers using artificial intelligence methods Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Andrzej Pożarycki Subject(s):
System do interaktywnej rehabilitacji oraz diagnostyki dysfunkcji kończyn dolnych w łańcuchu biokinematycznym zamkniętym Journal title: Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica, Inżynieria Biomedyczna Authors: Grzegorz Nowak, Paweł Kowalski, Łukasz Juszyński, Michał Bachorz Subject(s):
Efficacy of free-choice feeding of ground wheat or whole grain wheat and protein concentrate to turkeys Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Dariusz Mikulski, Jan Jankowski, Teresa Majewska, Zenon Zduńczyk Subject(s):
Eighteen-carbon fatty acids in milk fat of Czech Fleckvieh and Holstein cows following feeding with fresh lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Eva Samková, Jana Čertíková, Jiří Špička, Oto Hanuš, Tamara Pelikánová, Martin Kváč Subject(s):
Seasonal variation in fatty acid composition of cow milk in relation to the feeding system Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Jan Frelich, Martin Slachta, Oto Hanus, Jiří Špička, Eva Samkova, Andrzej Węglarz, Piotr Zapletal Subject(s):
SOME PROBLEMS RESULTING FROM POWERING OF TURBINE ENGINES BY LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) Journal title: Journal of KONES Authors: Włodzimierz Balicki, Piotr Kalina, Krzysztof Snopkiewicz, Andrzej Irzycki Subject(s):
Safety assessment of biotechnology used in animal production, including genetically modified (GM) feed and GM animals – a review Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Gijs A. Kleter, Esther J. Kok Subject(s):
Influence of feeding complete dry diets mixed with water on production traits and health status of blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Andrzej Gugołek, Manfred O. Lorek, Tadeusz Rotkiewicz, Zofia Rotkiewicz, Paweł Janiszewski, Wojciech... Subject(s):
Projekt stanowiska laboratoryjnego do symulacji ćwiczeń rehabilitacyjnych Journal title: Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica, Inżynieria Biomedyczna Authors: Kornelia Zaborowska, Ada Andrynowska, Tomasz Klekiel Subject(s):
Application of weighted goal programming in the optimization of rations for sport horses Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: J. Prišenk, K. Pažek, Č. Rozman, M. Janžekovič, A. Borec Subject(s):