Design Of Digital FIR Filter Using LUT Based Multiplier Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology Authors: Mallela Umamaheswari| M.Tech (VLSI) Student, ECE Department Sri Krishna devaraya Engineering College... Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering
Improving the Security of E-Passports with WDDL Logic and Elliptic Curve Cryptography Journal title: The International Journal of Technological Exploration and Learning Authors: N.Sivasankari| Department of ECE, Kalasalingam University Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India, M.Kannan|... Subject(s): Engineering, Educational Technology
The Role of Physical Agents in Treatment of Osteoporosis Journal title: Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) Authors: Erieta Nikolikj-Dimitrova| Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, S... Subject(s): Epidemiology, Physiology
A New Perspective on Knowledge Metaphorical Analysis: Knowledge as a Field Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Constantin BRATIANU| Professeur des universités docteur, Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Ro... Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
Assessment of the Severity of Acid Saturations on Soils Collected from Cultivated Lands of East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia Journal title: STAR Journal Authors: Achalu Chimdi| College of Computational and Natural Sciences, Wollega University, P.O Box: 395, Neke... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Technological Change
An Analytical Study on Evaluating the Performance of Developed Cultivator Mounted Seed Metering Mechanism Journal title: STAR Journal Authors: Ajay Verma| Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, IGKV Raipur (CG) , India, Ankitesh S... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Technological Change
Effect of forced swim stress on wistar albino rats in various behavioral parameters Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Ambareesha Kondam| Department of Physiology, Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute, Kanch... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
A STUDY ON BEHAVIOURAL CHANGES INDUCED BY COLD WATER STRESS IN SWISS ALBINO MICE Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Suresh. M| Department of Physiology, Meenakshi Medical College Hospital & RI, Enathur, Kanchipuram,... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
DECIPHERING LEPTOSPIROSIS-A DIAGNOSTIC MYSTERY: AN INSIGHT Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Mohit Bhatia| Senior Resident, Department of Microbiology, Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Post Gra... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Comparison Nokia, Samsung and Sony mobile phones in the specific absorption rate of head induced to electric field Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Yadolah Fakhri| Students Research Office, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Competencies of Track and Field coaches. An Exploratory Study Journal title: Choregia Authors: Ioannis Stavropoulos| Faculty of Human Movement & Quality of Life, University of Peloponnese, Sparta... Subject(s): Sports and Recreation, Adapted Physical Activity
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Track and Field Competencies Scale Journal title: Choregia Authors: Stavropoulos Ioannis| PhD, Faculty of Human Movement & Quality of Life, University of Peloponnese, O... Subject(s): Sports and Recreation, Adapted Physical Activity
The Study of Biological Effect of EM Radiation by Antenna at Different Position of Human Model Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Namrata Agrawal| Department of Electronics & Communication, MITS, Gwalior-474005, India, Anita Jatav... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
Measurement of vertical water percolation through different soil textures of paddy field during rice growth season Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Teimour Razavipour| Members of scientific board, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Ali Reza Farrokh|... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology
The Effect of Field Size and Distance From the Field Center on Neutron Contamination in Medical Linear Accelerator Journal title: International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research Authors: Mahdi Jahangiri| Department of Medical Physics, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran,... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Anatomy, Physiology