Health promotion for trachoma control Journal title: The Community Eye Health Journal Authors: Marcia Zondervan, Hannah Kuper, Anthony Solomon, John Buchan Subject(s):
Significado de viver saudável para jovens que integram um projeto de inclusão social Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Dirce Backes, Marli Backes, Magda Koerich, Maria Baggio, Jacira Carvalho, Betina Meirelles, Alacoque... Subject(s):
Ideal dentist profile defined by children and adolescents Journal title: RSBO Authors: Elisabete BOTTAN, Juciele OGLIO, Eliane SILVEIRA, Silvana ARAÚJO Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
“Na brincadeira a gente foi aprendendo”: promoção de saúde sexual e reprodutiva com homens adolescentes Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Aline Bechara, Daniela Gontijo, Marcelo Medeiros, Vera Facundes Subject(s):
Public health system - current status and world experience Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: І. Andreyeva , О. Lugova , Yu. Chernyak Subject(s):
Back care programmes: The low participation of target groups and unclear effectiveness as primary prevention Journal title: Human Movement Authors: Sven Schneider, Darcey Terris, Marcus Schiltenwolf, Alexander Barié, Katharina Diehl Subject(s):
NEED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCIES FOR HEALTH PROMOTION PRACTICE IN NIGERIA Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Golda O. Ekenedo, Emmanuel C. Ezedum Subject(s):
Comparison of Health Promoting Lifestyle of Undergraduate Students from Two Diverse Cultures of India Journal title: Healthline Authors: Sonika Raj, Amarjeet Singh, Sonu Goel, Akanksha Malhotra, Tajinder Kaur, Nandlal Thingham Subject(s):
Road Safety Related Behaviours of Romanian Young People Journal title: Applied Medical Informatics Authors: Subject(s): Medical Informatics
Influence of mass media on emergence of eating disorders amongst young people Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Jarosław Sak, Michał Wiechetek, Marek Jarosz, Jakub Pawlikowski, Andrzej Kapusta, Lidia Rejdak, Pio... Subject(s):
Community health case studies selected from developing and developed countries – common principles for moving from evidence to action Journal title: Archives of Medical Science Authors: Franklin White, Debra Nanan Subject(s): Medicine
Knowing the breastfeeding experiences of Brazilian children that attend elementary school Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Dulce Galvão, Isilia Silva Subject(s):
Self-governmental poviat prevention program of cardiovascular diseases Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Marek Kos, Piotr Książek, Bartłomiej Drop, Katarzyna Drop Subject(s):
Health risks and complications associated with the use of intraoral and perioral piercing: knowledge of young adults Journal title: RSBO Authors: Gerônimo Fortes, Tommy Rasmussen, Constanza Marin, Elisabete Bottan Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Система громадського здоров'я – сучасний стан та світовий досвід Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: І. Andreyeva , О. Lugova , Yu. Chernyak Subject(s):