Simulation of Virtual Environment for Scout Mobile Robot

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: MozhganKhoylou| Department of Computer-Mechatronic, Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad Univ...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Simulation utilization in nursing education

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Hassankhani Hadi| Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery of Tabriz University, Iran, Heidarzadeh Hamid *|...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

Leishmania Mechanisms of Evasion

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Mohammad Zand,PhD| Scholar Bio-Technology ,Departement Inistitute of Science and Technology, JNTU,HY...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

A Function-Based Image Binarization based on Histogram

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Hamid Sheikhveisi| Payam e Noor University, Zahedan, Iran.

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

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