Thuja plicata Donn ех D. Don та її культивари у Правобережному Лісостепу України [Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don and its cultivars in the conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine] Journal title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України Authors: Volodymyr Shlapak, Iryna Ivashchenko Subject(s):
INTRODUCTION, “METALOGUE: IS THERE A CONSPIRACY” Journal title: Rocznik Naukowy Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy. Transdyscyplinarne Studia o Kulturze (i) Edukacji Authors: Phillip Guddemi Subject(s):
Patients Empowerment Based on Experimential Learning to Behavior of Acute Compilation Prevention and Blood Glucose Levels of Patients DM Journal title: Jurnal Ners Authors: Nunung Ernawati, Suharto Suharto, Yulis Setya Dewi Subject(s):
PURSUING BACHELOR DEGREE OR WORK INDEPENDENCY Journal title: Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education Authors: Pujiyanto P, H.J. Hendrawan, Andreas Syah Pahlevi Subject(s):
The Independence of Post Sectio Caesarea Mother with Discharge Planning Based on Orem's Self Care Theory Journal title: Jurnal Ners Authors: Tinok Ayu Putri W, Nursalam Nursalam, Eka Mishbahatul M.Has Subject(s):
Multi Objective Optimization of Built Orientation For Rapid Prototyping Of Connecting Rod Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Tanay V. Dani Subject(s):
Arystoteles i jego wizja wprowadzenia pieniądza w świecie antycznej Grecji Journal title: Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia Authors: Aleksandra Jankowska Subject(s): Archaeology, Architecture, Art History , History
Isokinetic Shoulder Torque Development in Children Six through Twelve Years Old Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Samah M. Sheha Subject(s):
The Bring Into Operation for Airborne /Airship Ad Hoc Network (AAHNET) Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Yash Pal Subject(s):
Methodology of complex evaluation of Picea Dietr. species introduction success Journal title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація Authors: N. Vysotska Subject(s):
Some features of genre palette and means of expression in the contemporary compositions for wind instruments (through the example of Dnepropetrovsk composers’ works). Journal title: Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв Authors: Valeriy Hromchenko Subject(s):
Performance Appraisal Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Dr.I. Satyanarayana Subject(s):
THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF INCREASE EFFICIENCY OF USE AGRICULTURAL LAND Journal title: Экономика и финансы Authors: V. M. Davydenko Subject(s):
Analysis of Indicators of Diabetes Care Quality in the World and Ways to Optimize the Evaluation and Monitoring of Diabetes Care Quality in Ukraine Journal title: Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал Authors: V.I. Tkachenko Subject(s):
A review on medicinal properties ofCarica papaya Linn. Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):