MASSIVE INTESINAL HAEMORRHAGE SURGICAL TREATMENT FOR BLEEDING DUE TO ISCHEMIC COLITIS Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Ananda Reddy C, Chiranjeevi Reddy P, Ravitheja A, Jyothirmayee K, Siddartha G Subject(s):
Ischemic Colitis Mimicking Colorectal Carcinoma Journal title: Türk Kolon ve Rektum Hastalıkları Dergisi Authors: Ali Naki Yücesoy Subject(s):
Inferior Mesenteric Arteriovenous Malformation Presenting as Ischemic Colitis After an Acute Episode of Campylobacter Jejuni Colitis Journal title: International Journal of Radiology and Imaging Technology Authors: Subject(s):
The approach of ischemic colitis case followed by the lower gastrointesitnal bleeding bleeding Journal title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE Authors: Yüksel Altınel, Bahar Büşra Özkan, Ayca Sultan, Serkan Karaman Subject(s):
An Extraordinary Case of Isolated Cecal Necrosis Journal title: GENEL TIP DERGISI Authors: Subject(s):
Is Tocilizumab A Risk Factor for Lower Gastrointestinal Perforations? Isolated Cecal Necrosis: A Rare Case Report Journal title: Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease Authors: Emran Kuzey Avcı, Semra Demirli Atıcı, Sümeyye Ekmekçi, Can Arıcan, Tayfun Kaya, Cem Tuğmen Subject(s): Medicine, Surgery