MRI findings of Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome: A Rare Case Report Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: RAMBIR SINGH, SUNIL D KUMAR, NIDHI AGGARWAL Subject(s):
In vitro Antifungal Potential of Aqueous Seeds Extracts of Azadirachta indica and Thevetia peruviana against Phytophthora megakarya in Cameroon Journal title: Journal of Applied Life Sciences International Authors: Serge Bertrand Mboussi, Zachée Ambang, Angele Ndogho, Jules Patrice Ngoh Dooh, François Manga Essoum... Subject(s):
A Formula of Bacterial Pathogenicity (Theoretical Review) Journal title: Annual Research & Review in Biology Authors: Yurii V. Ezepchuk Subject(s):
Optimizing Stress Parameters for Improving Lipid Accumulation in Heterotrophic Microalgae Cultivation for Biodiesel Production Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Megakaryocyte changes in thrombocytopenia in bone marrow aspiration Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Pathology Authors: Ashwini V Ratnakar, Suresh Hanagavadi Subject(s):
The Necessity for Inclusion of Adolescent Health Education in B. Ed. Curriculum Journal title: Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education Authors: Wg Cdr Ranjit Kumar Mandal Subject(s):
Nationwide Study of Turner Syndrome in Ukrainian Children: Prevalence, Genetic Variants and Phenotypic Features Journal title: Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology Authors: Nataliya Zelinska, Iryna Shevchenko, Evgenia Globa Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Pleomorphic Multinucleated Plasma Cells Simulating Megakaryocytes in an Anaplastic Variant of Myeloma Journal title: Turkish Journal of Hematology Authors: Shivangi Harankhedkar, Ruchi Gupta, Khaliqur Rahman Subject(s):
Evaluating the Prognostic Significance of Bone Marrow Megakaryocyte Count in Patients with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Journal title: Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer Authors: A. Eghbali, M. Arzaninan, R. Jadidi Subject(s):
Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects of Cone Beam Computed Tomography on Exfoliated Buccal Epithelial Cells Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Soha Basha, Marwa Essawy Subject(s):
Prevalence of Down’s Syndrome in Patients of Congenital Heart Disease Vidarbha Region Central India Journal title: International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery Authors: Anant C Fulse, Md. Saleem Md. Basheer, Dilip D Ksheersagar, Vishwajit M Paikrao Subject(s):
Effect of Guava Extract Administration on Megakaryocytes Amount in Mice Femur Journal title: Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Authors: Nur Atik, Maqrizi D. S. Munawir, Susan Tarawifa, Hartati P. Darmadji Subject(s):
Zbieg przestępstw czy zbieg kar? Rozważania o podstawie wymiaru kary łącznej w świetle nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego z 20 lutego 2015 r. Journal title: Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Authors: Piotr Kardas Subject(s):
Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Łodzi z 10 września 2013 r., II AKa 126/13 Journal title: Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Authors: Magdalena Budyn-Kulik Subject(s):