IDENTIFICATION OF BIOACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF AVICENNIA OFFICINALIS FRUIT EXTRACT IN METHANOL AND SCREENING FOR ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY Journal title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research Authors: Mohammad Sharief N., A. Srinivasulu, B. Chittibabu, Uma Maheswara Rao V Subject(s):
Peculiarities of the urban governance formation in Moscow in the first years of soviet power and its historical significance Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Bruz V. V., Vititnev S.F., Solodilov A.V. Subject(s):
НАЦІОНАЛЬНО–ПАТРІОТИЧНА ТА СПОРТИВНО–ОЗДОРОВЧА МОБІЛІЗАЦІЯ ВОЯЦТВА У ТАБОРІ ІНТЕРНОВАНИХ ВІЙСЬК УНР СТШАЛКОВО (ПОЛЬЩА) У 1921–1922 рр.: ФОРМИ І МЕТОДИ Journal title: Идеология и политика (рус) / Ідеологія і політика (укр) / Ideology and Politics (Eng) Authors: Ihor Sribnyak Subject(s):
Victims of the Civil War and the Franco Repression in Asturias: A Provisional Balance Journal title: Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences Authors: Carmen Garcia Subject(s):
Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda IV. Ordu Menzilinde Amele Taburları Journal title: GÜVENLİK STRATEJİLERİ DERGİSİ Authors: Mevlüt Karagöz Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Treatment of Veterans with PTSD: a Critical Review Journal title: Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy Authors: Robert Holmes, Ian Snape Subject(s):
FEATURES OF SUBJECTS OF SOLDIERY CRIMES ON LEGISLATION OF UKRAINE Journal title: Порівняльно-аналітичне право Authors: М.І. Карпенко Subject(s):
DURABILITY AND DEPRESSIVE STATES IN ATO/OCF PARTICIPANTS WITH ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION Journal title: Сімейна медицина Authors: М. М. Козачок, М. І. Омеляшко, І. М. Савчук, О. В. Селюк Subject(s):
TO QUESTION OF QUALIFICATION OF SOLDIERY CRIMES, PERFECT IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE SPECIAL PERIOD Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Юридичні науки» Authors: М.І. Карпенко Subject(s):
Ways of committing a serviceman as part of a group of persons illegally seizing weapons and combat gear as an element of forensic characterization. Journal title: Прикарпатський юридичний вісник Authors: Г. А. Назаренко Subject(s):
To question of qualification of crimes against the legislation set order of execution or passing of military service, committed by a set of crimes Journal title: Правові новели Authors: М.І. Карпенко Subject(s):
THE CONCEPT AND SPECIFIC FEATURES OF LEGAL RELATIONS IN THE SPHERE OF SECURITY OF THE STATE BORDER OF UKRAINE Journal title: Jurnalul juridic naţional: teorie şi practică Authors: Oleg HANBA Subject(s):
The effect of military service on soldiers’ time preferences — Evidence from Israel Journal title: Judgment and Decision Making Authors: Eyal Lahav, Uri Benzion and Tal Shavit Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences
Type of army service and decision to engage in risky behavior among young people in Israel Journal title: Judgment and Decision Making Authors: Sharon Garyn-Tal and Shosh Shahrabani Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences