The relationship between nursing leadership and patient satisfaction

Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS)

Authors: Bahadori A.| Master of Science in Medical-Surgical Nursing Administration, Imam Khomeini of Mahabad...

Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine

Te Learning Organisation and Health Care Education

Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal

Authors: Rashid K Al-Abri| Quality Management Department, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, P.O.Box 38, Al-K...

Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine

Leadership Styles of School Principals

Journal title: Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science

Authors: Serafim António Martins Inocêncio| Departamento de Educação e Ensino a Distância - Universidade Aber...

Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences

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