Clinical genetics of kidney cancer Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Aleksandra Tołoczko-Grabarek, Joanna Trubicka, Jan Lubiński Subject(s):
Genetyka kliniczna nowotworów nerek Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Aleksandra Tołoczko-Grabarek, Joanna Trubicka, Jan Lubiński Subject(s):
Clinicopathologic study of pediatric neoplasm Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Subject(s):
Cystic Partially Differentiated Nephroblastoma, A Hyperfavourable Variant of Nephroblatoma: A Case Report with Review of the Literature Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: B. A. Ojo, W. T. Yongo, C. T. Soo, R. Vhriterhire, H. Mohammed, E. I. Ogwuche, O. Shorun, I. V. Ugwu... Subject(s):
Wilms’ tumor in 3 years old female patient - A case report Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Gunvanti Rathod, Kamlesh Shah Subject(s):
Wilms tumour-An overview Journal title: International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research Authors: Mounica Bollu Subject(s):
Fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma -a variant of Wilms tumor: A case report and review of the literature Journal title: Pediatric Urology Case Reports Authors: Pedraza Bermeo, Adriana Marcela, Ortiz Zableh, Ana Maria, Pérez Niño, Jaime Francisco Subject(s):
Giant nephroblastoma in newborn: Case report and literature review Journal title: Pediatric Urology Case Reports Authors: Carolina Talini, Leticia Alves Antunes, Bruna Cecilia Neves de Carvalho, Paula Homem-de-Mello, Bruna... Subject(s):
Nephroblastoma in Horseshoe Kidney A Rare Combined Entities (About 2 Cases) Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Driss Hanine, Zakaria Aboulam, Meryam Ramzi, Rachid Oulahyane, Mounir Kisra Subject(s):
Bilateral Nephroblastoma & Nephroblastomatosis (About 2 Cases) Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Driss Hanine, Zakaria Aboulam, Rachid Oulahyane, Mounir Kisra Subject(s):
Wilms’ Tumour in an Adult Female Complicating Pregnancy: A Case Report Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Imran A Khan, Supriya Basu, Dawood Khan, Arpan Choudhary, Shaheen Khan Subject(s):
Rhabdomyoblasts in Pediatric Tumors: A Review with Emphasis on their Diagnostic Utility Journal title: Journal of Stem Cell Therapy and Transplantation Authors: G Angelico, E Piombino, F Motta, S Spadola Subject(s):
A comprehensive review of nephroblastoma with ureteric involvement Journal title: Journal of Modern Human Pathology Authors: Singh S, Ramdial PK, Sheik-Gafoor HM, Hadley GP Subject(s): Pathology
Multi-Modality Imaging of Wilms Tumour (WT) in Horseshoe Kidney (HSK)-A Rare Case Journal title: International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery Authors: BM Ashwini, Anitha Kini, Anil Kumar Shukla Subject(s):
ISSN: 2578-4838 Case Report A Rare Antitiy Extrarenal Wilms Tumor: A Case Report Journal title: Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies Authors: Sezen Karaca Ozkisacik*, Ali Onur Erdem and Mesut Yazici Subject(s): Clinical Trials