Alloplastyka stawu biodrowego w protruzji panewki z użyciem przeszczepów kostnych Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Julian Dutka , Paweł Sosin , Michał Skowronek Subject(s):
Total hip arthroplasty with bone grafts for protrusio acetabuli Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Julian Dutka , Paweł Sosin , Michał Skowronek Subject(s):
Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Revision Hip Arthroplasty Outcomes Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Andrzej Kochman, Monika Morawska-Kochman, Maciej Guziński, Marek Drobniewski, Marcin Sibiński, Mare... Subject(s):
Zastosowanie tomografii komputerowej w ocenie wyników oprotezoplastyki rewizyjnej stawu biodrowego Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Andrzej Kochman, Monika Morawska-Kochman, Maciej Guziński, Marek Drobniewski, Marcin Sibiński, Mare... Subject(s):
Public Management in the Age of Social Media. An Analysis of Web 2.0 Tools as Platforms of Public Administration in Poland and Abroad Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Adam Reichardt Subject(s): Management
The quality of life of patients after implantation of cardioverter-defibrillator Journal title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu Authors: Aleksandra Bednarek, Małgorzata Peregud-Pogorzelska, Jarosław Kaźmierczak, Zdzisława Kornacewicz-Jac... Subject(s): Orthopedics, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, Research & Experimental, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Primary Health Care
Evaluation of effect of selected occupational factors on termination of pregnancy and state of the newborn Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Artur Wdowiak, Magdalena Stec, Grażyna Iwanowicz-Palus, Anita Wdowiak Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Concept for perfecting the marketing of new technologies at Gdańsk Univerity of Technology Journal title: Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa Authors: Jerzy Koszałka, Damian Kuźniewski Subject(s):
DEPLOYMENT AND MANOEUVRE OF FIELD ARTILLERY DURING FIRE SUPPORT IN OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Jacek NARLOCH Subject(s):
ROZMIESZCZENIE ORAZ MANEWR ARTYLERII PODCZAS WSPARCIA OGNIOWEGO W NATARCIU Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Jacek NARLOCH Subject(s):
PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE MANOEUVRABILITY OF TWARDY BATTLE TANK Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Janusz MYSŁOWSKI Subject(s):
MOMA - MUSEUM OF MODERN ART IN NEW YORK. GENESIS OF SUCCESS Journal title: Muzealnictwo Authors: Aleksandra Magdalena Dittwald Subject(s):
MOMA - MUZEUM SZTUKI NOWOCZESNEJ W NOWYM JORKU. GENEZA SUKCESU Journal title: Muzealnictwo Authors: Aleksandra Magdalena Dittwald Subject(s):
Renewable Energy Sources – Selected Problems Journal title: Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa Authors: Janusz ZMYWACZYK Subject(s):
Using covering and resource allocation models to decision support in rescue actions and crisis management Journal title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling Authors: Zbigniew Tarapata Subject(s):