A Study on the Potential Role of Social Media as a Driving force for Jallikattu Protest Journal title: Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication Authors: S Irvin Mary Subject(s):
ОСОБЛИВОСТІ НАДАННЯ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ ПОСЛУГ ГРОМАДЯНАМ ПОХИЛОГО ВІКУ Journal title: Подільський науковий вісник Authors: М.Г. Слободянюк Subject(s):
Victims for Victims: Exemplary Resilience of Community People in the aftermath of Nepal Earthquake 2015 Journal title: IOSR journal of Business and Management Authors: Md Mahbub Jahan Khan, Md Momenul Islam, Mashroor Faiyaz Khan Subject(s):
Adequação Á Lei 8.213/91 Art. 93: Um Modelo de Gestão Journal title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention Authors: *Lucilene Alves Aguiar Araújo1 ,, Raimundo Kennedy Vieira2 Subject(s):
Organization Behaviour: Challenges and Opportunities Journal title: IOSR journal of Business and Management Authors: Neenu Sharma Subject(s):
Współczesna recepcja myśli Komeńskiego w Czechach na podstawie przykładu jego słynnej sentencji dotyczącej narodu i wizji lepszej przyszłości / A contemporary reception of Komenský’s thought in the Czech Republic on the basis of his famous sentence concerning a nation and the vision of a better future Journal title: Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne, seria pedagogika Authors: Lubomír Hampl Subject(s):
Comparative Study of Safety Awareness Techniques Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Організація та функціонування Залізничних військ Західно-Української Народної Республіки в 1918–1919 рр. Journal title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni Authors: Володимир Рутар Subject(s):
The impact of people who inject drugs on the development of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine Journal title: Актуальна інфектологія Authors: А.M. Scherbinska, M.H. Liulchuk, N.O. Babiy, V.V. Kirpicheva, L.I. Hetman, T.V. Grytsenko, O. V. Mol... Subject(s):
For the Jubilee of Professor Andrey Mikhailovich Belavin Journal title: Поволжская Археология Authors: Natalia Krylasova, Alexey N. Sarapulov Subject(s):
О ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛАХ АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНСКОЙ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ (1918—1920 гг.) Journal title: World Science Authors: Эльгюн Мамедали Асланов, Азер Яды Ахундов, Севда Физули Абдуллаева, Фазия Байрамовна Алиева Subject(s):
A Survey of Plants Used In Basket and Cordage Industry by the Tribals and Indigenous People of Indo-Nepal Sub Himalayan Terai Region of Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal title: Plantae Scientia Authors: Gopal Dixit, Shilpa Vakshsya Subject(s):
Leaderonomics-Women Leaders and Organizational Effectiveness. Journal title: IOSR journal of Business and Management Authors: Dr.Rohini G Shetty Subject(s):
STRUCTURAL-SEMANTIC AND FUNCTIONALLY-STYLISTIC TYPES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH COMPONENTS NAMING PEOPLE WITH RESPECT TO THEIR OCCUPATION Journal title: Наукові записки Національного університету "Острозька академія" Серія "Філологія" Authors: О. А. Пономарьова Subject(s):
Investigation Into The Clothing Choices Of Married People In Makurdi Metropolis Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Ugah Adaku Agatha, Agbo, Diana .A. (Ph.D), Kembe, Elizabeth .M. Subject(s):