AN EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF COMBINED HEALTH WARNINGS ON CIGARETTE PACKETS THROUGH EYE MOVEMENTS Journal title: Journal of Baltic Science Education Authors: Cem Gerçek, Özgür Özcan, Nihan Ocak, Çise Ferhat, Sevgi Berberoğlu, Elif Çakır, Nuri Doğan, Kürşat Ç... Subject(s):
Effect of Nutrition Education Package on Pregnant Women Knowledge and Healthy Dietary Practice Journal title: IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science Authors: Hanan Abd-Elmohdy Emara Subject(s):
Skala uzależnienia od Facebooka wśród uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych województwa podkarpackiego The Scale of the Facebook Addiction Among the Students of High Schools From the Podkarpackie Province Journal title: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka Authors: SŁAWOMIR RĘBISZ, ILONA SIKORA Subject(s):
The effect of workshop training and instructional packages on students’ attitude and practical adherence to prayers in female students of Bandar Abbas universities in 2015 Journal title: International Electronic Journal of Medicine Authors: Atefeh Zamani, Zahra Atazadegan, Niloufar CHoobin, Nasrin Davaridolatabadi Subject(s):
Study on the Relationship between Yogurt Packages, Drinking Methods and Residues and the Countermeasures Journal title: Trends Journal of Sciences Research Authors: Han-guang Ou, Yan Zhang, Hong Zhang Subject(s):
Embedded Sensor Node for Wireless Network and Control System using CMOS RF Transmitter For Telecom Applications Journal title: IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering(IOSR-JECE) Authors: Hafez Fouad, Heba Shawky Subject(s):
SOFTWARE APPLICATION FOR SOLVING SOME TYPICAL PROBLEMS OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Journal title: Azerbaijan Chemical Journal Authors: M.R. Manafov Subject(s):
Advantages of packaging broiler chicken meat in modified gas atmosphere, and its impact on storage Journal title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» Authors: Н.В. Новікова Subject(s):
“Drawing Parallels between Share Price of Packaging Companies and Base Rate in India” Journal title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention Authors: Twinkle Shetty Santhosh Kumar, Steve George, Thangjam Ravichandra Subject(s):
Selecting the type of packaging and label design for the development of new processed products of radish Journal title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» Authors: Г.А. Селютіна, О.В. Гапонцева Subject(s):
ALT SINIR TEMELİNE DAYALI AĞIRLIKLI TAVLAMA YÖNTEMİ İLE KUTULAMA PROBLEMİNİN ÇÖZÜMÜ Journal title: Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Neriman İNAK, Sezai TOKAT, Kenan KARAGÜL Subject(s): Economics, History , Sociology
Public administration reform: e-democracy Journal title: Публічне управління та митне адміністрування Authors: О. О. Лесников Subject(s):
An Efficient Scheme for Detection and Prevention of Black Hole Attacks in AODV-Based MANETs Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Muhammad Salman Pathan, Jingsha He, Nafei Zhu, Zulfiqar Ali Zardari, Muhammad Qasim Memon, Aneeka Az... Subject(s):
Fizyczno-matematyczne modelowanie wysokotemperaturowych procesów przetwarzania stali w aspekcie wspomagania projektowania nowych technologii. The physico-mathematical modelling of high-temperature steel processing in the aspect of aiding in engineering new technologies. Journal title: Obróbka Plastyczna Metali Authors: Marcin Hojny Subject(s):
Analisis Quality of Service Menggunakan Delay, Packet Loss, Jitter dan Mean Opinon Score pada Voice Over IP Journal title: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Authors: Fahmi Fahmi, Yulita Salim, Ramdan Satra Subject(s):