Protection of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Extract on Hemolysis-Induced by Plasmodium berghei Infection in ICR Mice Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science Authors: Preeyanuch Borkaew, Chokdee Klubsri, Voravuth Somsak Subject(s):
Febrifugine analogues: Promising antimalarial agents Journal title: Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Authors: Subject(s):
Comparative study on clinical efficacy between Artesunte and Quinine in the treatment of Cerebral Malaria Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Shafat Imam Siddiqui Subject(s):
PARASITE DENSITIES INFLUENCE ON THE WHITE BLOOD CELLS DISRIBUTION IN PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM TREAT ED CHILDREN Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: M. Kokor Subject(s):
Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis in Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr. Shivraj Meena Subject(s):
Malarial Hepatits in Non Endemic Area Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Riyaz U Saif Andrabi Subject(s):
Compliment Receptor Type - 1 (CD35) Gene Polymorphism and Plasmodium falciperum Malaria Journal title: International Journal of Medical Biotechnology & Genetics (IJMBG) Authors: Rishabh Dev Saket Subject(s):
Comparative Analysis of Microscopy and Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria among Pregnant Women Attending Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital, Port Harcourt Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Mbata Christian A Subject(s):
Throbocytopenia an Indicator of Malaria in Febrile Patients- A Retrospective Study Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Vissa Shanthi Subject(s):
Plasmodium vivax Detected on Anophles punctulatus Using ELISA: A Vector Confirmation Study in Tamraw District, A Remote Area With High Incidence of Malaria, West Papua Province-Indonesia Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Hana Krismawati Subject(s):
HAEMATOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN COMPLICATED FALCIPARUM MALARIA CASES Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Bidyut Prava Das, Ratnadeep Ganguly Subject(s):
Synthesis, biological evaluation, QSAR analysis, and molecular docking of chalcone derivatives for antimalarial activity Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
PHARMACOLOGY OF NEWER ANTIMALARIAL DRUGS: REVIEW ARTICLE Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Bhuvaneshwari Bhuvaneshwari, Souri S. Kondaveti Subject(s):
Clinical profile and complications of acute malaria caused by different species of Plasmodium Journal title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: D. Manikyamba, A. Krishna Prasad, A. Satyavani, S. Sunil Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
In vivo effect of chronic nicotine exposure on outcome of Plasmodium berghei ANKA malaria Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):