Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 1. General principles of nutrition during childhood Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz Subject(s):
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 2. nutritional prevention of diet-related diseases Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz Subject(s):
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 3. Rich sources of vitamins and minerals Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel Subject(s):
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 4. The role of nutrients and principles of composing a diet Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel Subject(s):
Nutritional knowledge of the preschool staff from Nowy Sącz and the vicinity. Part 5. Preparing meals Journal title: New Medicine Authors: Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz Subject(s):
CHARAKTERYSTYKA AKTYWNOŚCI FIZYCZNEJ POZNAŃSKICH DZIECI W WIEKU PRZEDSZKOLNYM Journal title: Medycyna Sportowa Authors: Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Daria Pach, Żaneta Lasak Subject(s):
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN FROM POZNAŃ Journal title: Medycyna Sportowa Authors: Wojciech Chalcarz, Sylwia Merkiel, Daria Pach, Żaneta Lasak Subject(s):
Aktywność fizyczna a ruchliwość dzieci przedszkolnych ze środowiska wielkomiejskiego w opinii rodziców Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Barbara Frączek, Maria Gacek, Andrzej Klimek Subject(s):
Physical activity and mobility of preschool children living in urban settings in the opinion of their parents Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Barbara Frączek, Maria Gacek, Andrzej Klimek Subject(s):
Frequency of malocclusion and articulation disorders in preschool children Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Maria Orzelska-Blomberg, Marta Kuropatnicka, Barbara Szkarłat, Anna Wojtaszek-Słomińska, Marek Grzyb... Subject(s):
Występowanie wad zgryzu i wad wymowy u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Maria Orzelska-Blomberg, Marta Kuropatnicka, Barbara Szkarłat, Anna Wojtaszek-Słomińska, Marek Grzyb... Subject(s):
Physical and motor development of preschool children in aspect of short stature Journal title: Endokrynologia, Diabetologia i Choroby Przemiany Materii Wieku Rozwojowego Authors: Magdalena Krzykała, Urszula Czerniak, Anna Demuth Subject(s):
Transforming the representations of preschool-age children regarding geophysical entities and physical geography Journal title: Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education Authors: MARIA KAMPEZA, KONSTANTINOS RAVANIS Subject(s):
SCREENING OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN FOR BLOOD LEAD LEVELS AT KIMS HOSPITAL Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Chandrakala P, Ramesh A. C, Sharanya R Subject(s):
Language Development of the Preschool Children: The Effects of an Audio-Visual Intervention Program in Delhi Journal title: International Journal of Instruction Authors: Sushanta Kumar Roul Subject(s):