Affective states and the notion of happiness Journal title: The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being Authors: Heinz Welsch| University of Oldenburg Department of Economics Oldenburg, Germany. E-mail:welsch@uni-... Subject(s): Psychology
Turkish version of the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale : A validity and reliability study Journal title: The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being Authors: Nilüfer Tuğut| Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü, Sivas. Email: n... Subject(s): Psychology
Subjective well-being in competitive psychomotor games: A qualitative approach Journal title: The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being Authors: Jorge Serna Bardavío| University of Lleida. E-mail:, Unai Sáez de Ocáriz| University... Subject(s): Psychology
EVALUATION ON LIPID PEROXIDATION AND ANTIPROLIFERATIVE ACTIVITIES OF RAPHANUS SATIVUS L Journal title: International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences (IJRDPL) Authors: Jamuna K.S.| Molecular Biomedicine Laboratory, PG Dept. of Studies and Research in Biotechnology, Sa... Subject(s): Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Zoology and Animal Science, Pharmacology, Toxicology
MOTIVAÇÃO E CLIMA ORGANIZACIONAL Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Marcelly Facco| Graduandos em Administração pela Faculdade Novo Milênio/ES, Davi Rangel de Almeida|... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
A arte de fidelizar clientes como diferencial competitivo Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Fagna Florindo de Oliveira| Graduada em Administração, aluna do curso de especialização em Gestão de... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
QUALIDADE DE VIDA NO TRABALHO: um estudo de caso em uma empresa do ramo salineiro de Baixa do Meio-RN Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Silmara Araújo da Silva| Graduanda do curso de Administração da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia M... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
SATISFAÇÃO E VALORES RELATIVOS AO TRABALHO: Estudo realizado com os colaboradores Beltrame Comércio de Materiais de Construção Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Aline Mortari Machado| Bacharel em Administração pela UFSM, Vívian Flores Costa| Doutoranda em Admin... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PERFIL SOCIODEMOGRÃFICO E SATISFAÇÃO DE ALUNOS DA MODALIDADE DE ENSINO A DISTÂNCIA Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Bruno Zamprogno| Mestrando em Ciências Contábeis – FUCAPE Business School; Especialista em Gestão Pú... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Studies on Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Morphology of Carbon Soot Filled Un saturated Polyester Graded Composites Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: Archana Nigrawal| ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSES RESEARCH INSTITUTE (AMPRI), BHOPAL, INDIA Hoshang... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
An Energy Based Fuzzy Logic Dc-Link Voltage Controller For Three Phase DSTATCOM To Compensate AC Loads Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: A.Ranganadh| PG Student, Department of EEE, Prakasam Engineering College, kandukur,India, Ranganadh3... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
Low-Error and High-Throughput Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Design Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: Mohammad Sadiq Ali| Associate Professor ,Department of ECE, Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
A Framework For Protecting The Privacy In Web Search Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: A.V.S. Laxman Kumar| Student of M.Tech (CSE) and Department of Computer Science and Engineering, QIS... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
An Adapted Search on Mobile Devices With Shielded Web Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: Tatikonda Venkata Jyothsna| Student of M.Tech (CSE) and Department of Computer Science and Engineeri... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
A Novel Grid Current Compensator for Grid-Connected Distributed Generation under Nonlinear Loads with Fuzzy Logic Controller Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: Shaik Roshna| M.Tech, Scholar, Dept of EEE, Prakasam Engineering College, Kandukur, Sk.Meera Shareef... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy