Natural vs artificial viral spread within the online community Journal title: E-methodology Authors: Andrzej Jarynowski, Jankowski Jarosław, Anita Zbieg Subject(s): Social Sciences, Methodology of Social Sciences
Pronominal identity in the context of deviant behavior in adolescents Journal title: Romanian Journal of School Psychology Authors: Nikolay Tsankov, Veska Gyuviyska, Milena Levunlieva Subject(s):
Особливості впровадження технологій формування просоціальної поведінки учнів в умовах превентивного виховного середовища загальноосвітнього навчального закладу Journal title: Психолого-педагогічні проблеми сільської школи Authors: Тетяна Федорченко Subject(s):
Організація суб’єкт-суб’єктної взаємодії педагогів і батьків у формуванні просоціальної поведінки учнів старшої школи Journal title: Психолого-педагогічні проблеми сільської школи Authors: Валерія Нечерда Subject(s):
Differences in peer - relationship among adolescents across parental variables Journal title: Asian Journal of Home Science Authors: RUPIKA CHOPRA, SHAKUNTLA PUNIA, SANTOSH SANGWAN Subject(s):
The Effect of Music Therapy Along With Play Therapy on Social Behaviors and Stereotyped Behaviors of Children With Autism Journal title: Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology Authors: Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh, Fahimeh Imankhah Subject(s):
THE MANIFESTATION OF PROSOCIAL AND AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DEPENDING ON SEX AND AGE Journal title: Human Research in Rehabilitation Authors: Aid Bulić, Gabriel Pinkas Subject(s): Humanities, Law, Social Sciences
Patterns of Young Adults’ Perceptions and Usage of Mobile Phone: The Case of University Students in Nigeria Journal title: International Journal of Communication and Media Studies (IJCMS) Authors: OGHOGHO UYI OSAZEE-ODIA Subject(s):
The Ability to Recognize Other People’s Needs From the Point of View of Kindergarten Children Journal title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce Authors: Justyna Meissner-Łozińska Subject(s):
Effect of Social – Support on Peer-relationship among Adolescents in Haryana Journal title: Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology Authors: Rupika Chopra, Shakuntla Punia, Santosh Sangwan Subject(s):
WHAT IS SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE ? Journal title: Revista Universitara de Sociologie Authors: Gabriela MILITARU Subject(s):
Motivation for assistance activities among hospice, missionary and sport volunteers Journal title: The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II Authors: Jacek Śliwak, Beata Zarzycka, Józef Partyka Subject(s):
Bullying, Safe Schools and Public Health: An Overview in Connecticut Private Schools Journal title: Journal of Advanced Research in Psychology & Psychotherapy Authors: Paul A Bourne Subject(s):
PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY IN THE JOINT EMPLOYMENT Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Психологія Authors: V. Y. Bochelyuk Subject(s):
SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SELF-PRESENTATION Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Психологія Authors: Anatoly A. Kononenko Subject(s):