CaracterÃsticas da produção cientÃfica dos professores do Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG (2009 – 2012) Journal title: BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao Authors: Adriana da Silva Duarte | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG Subject(s): Information Science, Bible, Library Science
PERADENIYA ACADEMICS OF THE EARLY DAYS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO SINHALA STUDIES Journal title: Social Affairs Authors: K.N.O. Dharmadasa Subject(s): Economics, Law, Social Sciences, History , International Relations, Political Science, Sociology
Menjadi Scholarly Communication Librarians Journal title: Pustabiblia: Journal of Library and Information Science Authors: Kristina Kristina Subject(s): Information Science, Library Science
Invisible College dan Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi: Keterlibatan Perpustakaan Sebagai Mitra Pemustaka dalam Proses Komunikasi Ilmiah Journal title: Pustabiblia: Journal of Library and Information Science Authors: Umar Falahul Alam Subject(s): Information Science, Library Science
Poprawność merytoryczna i elegancja formalna opracowania naukowego z zakresu nauk ekonomicznych Journal title: Optimum. Economic Studies Authors: Bazyli Poskrobko, Anna Matel Subject(s):
ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНА ТА КОМПОЗИЦІЙНА СПЕЦИФІКА СУЧАСНОГО АНГЛОМОВНОГО НАУКОВОГО ТЕКСТУ Journal title: Вісник Київського національного лінгвістичного університету. Серія Філологія Authors: Л. В. Трач Subject(s):
Innovative Instruments in Ukrainian Scientific Communication Journal title: Актуальні питання масової комунікації; Current issues of mass communication Authors: Maryna Nazarovets Subject(s):
THE FEATURES OF THE SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS PREPARATION BY FOREIGN PUBLISHERS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF JOURNALS WITH IMPACT-FACTOR) Journal title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації" Authors: V. Kasianchuk Subject(s):
Scopus Database as a Source of Representing Bulgarian Science to the International Academic Community: The Present and Future Prospects Journal title: Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage Authors: Olga Kirilova Subject(s):
The Cash Waqfs Debate of 1545-1548: Anatomy of a Legal Debate at the Age of Süleyman the Lawgiver Journal title: insan & toplum Authors: Hasan Karataş Subject(s):
Altmetrics indicators for measuring the readers' intentions towards the highly cited articles in knowledge sharing Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: Prof. Naeema H. Jabur, Hamaed Alaghbari, Fahad Alsakeiti, Salah Alyaarubi Subject(s):
Tradycja petrażycjańska w polskiej socjologii prawa albo o tym, co zyskaliśmy, nie odwołując się do Ehrlicha Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Zbigniew Cywiński Subject(s):
LOGICAL TECHNIQUES OF ARGUMENTATION IN SCHOLARLY-CRITICAL DISCOURSE BY DAVID LODGE Journal title: Записки з романо-германської філології Authors: A.Іа. Savchuk Subject(s):
Mastering the art of publishing in scholarly journal Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Ajay Chhabra, Aarushi Dogra, Hari Kishan, Shruti Sharma Subject(s):
Sustainability in Urban Development: Impediments to Urban India's Sustainable Growth Journal title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention Authors: Paramita Chakraborty Subject(s):