VEGETARIANISM BETWEEN HEALTH AND ECOLOGY<br /> Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Lăcrămioara PETRE, Tiberiu STAN Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Zachowania seksualne wśród młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej a system moralności seksualnej Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Aneta Kościołek, Tomasz Cuber, Joanna Girzelska Subject(s):
University students' problem-solving behaviors and exposure to dating abuse in their romantic relationship Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: AA. Ilknur, O. Ozge, Y. Durdane, ÇE Dilek Subject(s):
Training of non-verbal behaviours of persons afafter left sided brain stroke Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Wiesław Sikorski Subject(s):
Ocena stanu wiedzy pacjentów chorych na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów na temat własnej choroby – badania wstępne Journal title: Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine Authors: Aleksandra Pytel, Zdzisława Wrzosek Subject(s):
The Role of Moral Values in Development Personality Teenagers Journal title: Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala Authors: ŢÎMPĂU Cristina Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Counselling, Sociology of Education, Sociology, Pedagogy
Attitudes and awareness towards eating disorders among students: a preliminary study Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Kamila Czepczor, Katarzyna Kościcka, Anna Brytek-Matera Subject(s):
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Environment Oriented Behaviors for 7-8 Year Old Children Journal title: Applied Medical Informatics Authors: Valeria LAZA, Lucia LOTREAN, Aurelia PINTEA, Alexandru ZEIC Subject(s): Medical Informatics
Trening zachowań niewerbalnych osób po doznanym lewostronnym udarze mózgu Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Wiesław Sikorski Subject(s):
SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS: EXPLORING THE CONCEPT IN ZIMBABWEAN SCHOOLS Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: John Mapfumo, Patricia Muchena Subject(s):
The Role of Agentic and Communal Values in the Individuals' Outcomes of Job Related Affective Well Being and Political Deviance Journal title: Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala Authors: BAL TAŞTAN Seçil Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Counselling, Sociology of Education, Sociology, Pedagogy
VEGETARIANISMUL ÎNTRE SĂNĂTATE ŞI ECOLOGIE Journal title: EcoTerra (Journal of Environmental Research and Protection) Authors: Lăcrămioara PETRE, Tiberiu STAN Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Health behaviours in women treated for infertility and their influence on the incidence of depression Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Marta Makara-Studzińska, Justyna Morylowska-Topolska, Artur Wdowiak, Anna Urbańska Subject(s):
Sexual behaviours of the secondary school youths vs. sexual morality system Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Aneta Kościołek, Tomasz Cuber, Joanna Girzelska Subject(s):
Estimation of Patient Knowledge on Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Range of Their Own Disease – Preliminary Study Journal title: Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine Authors: Aleksandra Pytel, Zdzisława Wrzosek Subject(s):