O DESENVOLVIMENTO INOVATIVO EM CLUSTERS: UMA ANÃLISE SOBRE O SETOR CERÂMICO EM CAMPOS DOS GOYTACAZES – RJ Journal title: Revista Foco Authors: Edson Terra Azevedo Filho| Engenheiro de Produção/UENF e doutorando em Sociologia Política/UENF e pr... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Accountancy, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Financial Services, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
CLUSTER BASED MUTATION TESTING USING HOMOGENEOUS AND HETEROGENEOUS N-MUTANTS Journal title: International Journal of Marketing and Technology Authors: Mr. Ajay Jangra and Ms. Jasleen kaur Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Economics, Banks and Banking, Organizational Science
Privacy preserving technique ECC for secure transmission in field of Data Mining Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: M. Mohanrao, Dr.S. Karthik Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
Perceiving TheMalevolent Sachet Fatalities Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: Puvvula Krishna Kanth, Jhansi Rani S Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Content Accumulating and Development beyond Elastic and Inelastic Traffic in Wireless Networks Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: s Ramakumari, gollapalli Aruna Rekha Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
The effect of spraying GA3 on some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of grape Var. Bidaneh Sefid Journal title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences Authors: Mahsa Azizi Yeganeh, Azin Ghavami and Vahid Abdossi Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Agricultural Economics
Evaluation of Primary immunization coverage in an urban area of Bareilly city using Cluster Sampling Technique Journal title: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine Authors: Dr. Varsha chaudhary, Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Dr. V.K.Agarwal, Dr. H.S.Joshi, Mr. Mahender Sharma Subject(s): Medicine
The Regional Concentration of Industries and the Performance of Firms: a Multilevel Approach Journal title: BAR: Brazilian Administration Review Authors: Ferreira, Fernando Coelho Martins; Goldszmidt, Rafael G. Burstein; Csillag, João Mario Subject(s): Business Administration, Educational Administration
Regional Cluster, Innovation and Export Performance: An Empirical Study Journal title: BAR: Brazilian Administration Review Authors: Prim, Alexandre Luis; Amal, Mohamed; Carvalho, Luciano Subject(s): Business Administration, Educational Administration
Clustering - A New Paradigm or Another Teoretical Model Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Саша Петковић, Јелена Тривић, Брана Латиновић Subject(s): Economics
Metryki Minkowskiego w tworzeniu uniwersalnych algorytmów rankingowych Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk Subject(s):
Minkowski metrics in creating universal ranking algorithms Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk Subject(s):
Rankingi w warunkach niepewności Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk Subject(s):
Rankings in conditions of uncertainty Journal title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology Authors: Andrzej Ameljańczyk Subject(s):
Dynamika przemysłów wysokich technologii a rozwój klastrów wiedzy na przykładzie klastra Route 128 Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Małgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management