The Study of the Effects of Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Low Temperature Plasma Products on Spring and Winter Wheat Germination Journal title: Журнал ÑтреÑÑ-физиологии и биохимии Authors: A. Lazukin, I. Lyubushkina, K. Kirichenko, O. Grabelnych, S. Krivov Subject(s):
Preliminary Study on Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent by Sand Filtration-Dielectric Barrier Discharge System Journal title: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Authors: Ariadi Hazmi, Reni Desmiarti, Eka Putra Waldi, Primas Emeraldi Subject(s):
Control of separation of air flow along cylinder using plasma actuators Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: D. Redchits Subject(s):
Numerical simulation of dielectric barrier discharge in air Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: D. Redchits Subject(s):
Studying the effect of Dielectric Barrier Discharges on the Leukemia Blood Cells Using Digital Image Processing Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: Sabah N. Mazhir1, Alyaa H. Ali1, Farah W. Hadi, Alaa N. Mazher Subject(s):
EFFECT OF A DIELECTRIC BARRIER ON THE ELECTRIC FIELD DISTRIBUTION IN HIGH-VOLTAGE COMPOSITE INSULATION OF ELECTRIC MACHINES Journal title: Електротехніка і Електромеханіка Authors: G.V. Bezprozvannych, A.N. Boyko, A.V. Roginskiy Subject(s):
Investigation of NO oxidation by non-thermal plasma Journal title: Energy Environmental Protection Authors: CHEN Zhen|State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University,China, BAO Haoqi|Sta... Subject(s): Energy, Environmental Protection