CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INITIAL STAGE OF VEGETATION DEMUTATION IN FALLOWS UNDER THE DONETSK REGION Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Біологія Authors: Dara N. Sulaiman Subject(s):
Agrotechnical and economic effectiveness of mulch tillage for growing winter wheat following complete fallow Journal title: Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету Authors: A. Tsilyurik, V. Sudak, I. Gasanova Subject(s): Economics
Restorative Potential of Residual Soil Amendments and One-Year Fallow on Top Soil Chemical Properties of a Tropical Ultisol Journal title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Authors: R. A. Ezema, C. L. A. Asadu, P. I. Ezeaku, A. O. Onunwa, P. K. Kefas Subject(s):
Antagonistic ACC Deaminase Producing Pseudomonas fluorescens with Polymer Seed Coating for the Management of Rice Fallow Black Gram Diseases Journal title: Advances in Research Authors: M. Karthikeyan, K. Raja, I. Johnson, P. Latha, D. Saravanakumar Subject(s):
Yield and level of phenolic compounds in the inflorescence of yellow everlasting Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench collected from natural sites Journal title: Herba Polonica Authors: Anna Forycka, Artur Adamczak, Bogna Opala, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Waldemar Buchwald Subject(s):
Influence Of Species-Transformers Invasion On The Vegetation Dynamics For Fallow Land Ukrainian Polissya Journal title: Біоресурси і природокористування [Biological Resources and Nature Management] Authors: I. V. Khomiak Subject(s):
Influence of Fallow Ages on Soil Properties at the Forest-Savanna Boundary in South Western Nigeria Journal title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Authors: E. O. Onijigin, A. S. Fasina, D. A. Oluwadare, U. O. Ogbonnaya, K. S. Ogunleye, O. J. Omoju Subject(s):
Colloidal Stability and Potential Structural Deformation Index of Four Nigerian Soils Journal title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International Authors: I. A. Nweke, P. C. Nnabude Subject(s):
ВІДТВОРЕННЯ ПРОДУКТИВНОСТІ ҐРУНТІВ В ПРИРОДНИХ ТА ВИРОБНИЧИХ УМОВАХ Journal title: World Science Authors: О. М. Предоляк, С. Г. Круглик, О. В. Нагорна, А. В. Плотніцька Subject(s):
Występowanie oraz możliwość zwalczania nawłoci późnej (Solidago gigantea Aiton) Occurrence and the possibility of late goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Aiton) control Journal title: Progress in Plant Protection Authors: Krzysztof Domaradzki, Anna Jezierska-Domaradzka, Marek Badowski, Adam Matkowski Subject(s):
The dynamics of aboveground phytomass during the autogenic succession on fallow for the territory Right-Bank Polissya Journal title: Екологічні науки Authors: Subject(s):
Effect of fallow and system of tillage on crop yield of element of crop rotation Journal title: Бюллетень науки и практики Authors: N. Pegova Subject(s): Technology
The effect of the last entrance of culture on the species diversity and productivity of the growing fields Journal title: Бюллетень науки и практики Authors: А. Dmitriev, A. Lednev, N. Pegova, D. Popov Subject(s): Technology
Зміна структурного стану чорнозему звичайного за різних типів використання / The change of the structural composition of the ordinary chernozems for differents types of use Journal title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія Authors: A. Fatieiev, V. Riabchenko Subject(s):
Establishing continuity in distribution of Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) H. J. Lam in Indian subcontinent Journal title: Journal of Research in Biology Authors: Koushik Majumdar, BK Datta, Uma Shankar Subject(s):