Dezynfekcja za pomocą amoniaku ziarna zbóż przeznaczonego do fermentacji Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria Authors: Magdalena Broda, Włodzimierz Grajek Subject(s):
Enological profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast isolated from fermenting plum mashes Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria Authors: Paweł Satora, Tadeusz Tuszyński, Ewelina Tomczyk Subject(s):
Profil enologiczny drożdży Saccharomyces cerevisiae wyizolowanych z fermentującej miazgi śliwkowej Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria Authors: Paweł Satora, Tadeusz Tuszyński, Ewelina Tomczyk Subject(s):
Przeżywalność mikroflory handlowych mlecznych produktów fermentowanych w symulowanych warunkach żołądka i jelit Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria Authors: Małgorzata Ziarno, Dorota Zaręba Subject(s):
Viability of microflora pf market fermented milk products in simulated conditions of gastric and duodenum Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria Authors: Małgorzata Ziarno, Dorota Zaręba Subject(s):
Wpływ stopnia rozdrobnienia biomasy roślinnej na produkcję biogazu Journal title: Acta Agrophysica Authors: Agnieszka Kasprzycka, Justyna Lalak, Jerzy Tys Subject(s):
Effect of enzyme addition, germination, and fermentation on the nutritive value of barley for growing Japanese quails Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: R. Kianfar, H. H. Moravej, M. Shivazad Subject(s):
Plant extract enhanced ruminal CLA concentration, in vitro Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: V. Heidarian Miri, A.K. Tyagi, S.H. Ebrahimi, M. Mohini Subject(s):
Effects of phytogenic products on in vitro rumen fermentation and methane emission in goats Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: G.Z. Dong, X.J. Wang, Z.B. Liu, F. Wang Subject(s):
Fermentation kinetics of carbohydrate fractions of maize grains as determined by in vitro gas production curve subtraction technique Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: J.P. Du, H.S. Xin, R. R. Wan, F.H. Shi, Q.X. Meng Subject(s):
In vitro screening of unconventional feeds and various natural supplements for their ruminal methane mitigation potential when included in a maize-silage based diet Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: S.M. Staerfl, M. Kreuzer, C.R. Soliva Subject(s):
The effect of fermented wheat germ extract on production parameters and immune status of growing pigs Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: P. Rafai, Z. Papp, L. Jakab, T. Tuboly, V. Jurkovich, E. Brydl Subject(s):
Effects of direct-fed microbials and their combinations with yeast culture on in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: S.P. Doto, J.X. Liu Subject(s):
Effect of an inoculant and enzymes on fermentation quality and nutritive value of erect milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens Pall.) silages Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: Ch. Xu, H. Wang, F. Yang, Zh. Yu Subject(s):
Effects of dose and adaptation time of ginger root (Zingiber officinale) on rumen fermentation Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: T.-T. Zhang, Z.-B. Yang, W.-R. Yang, S.-Z. Jiang, G.-G. Zhang Subject(s):