FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF AGRARIAN ENTERPRISES Journal title: Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право Authors: Olena KOVINKO Subject(s):
Scenarios of the market orientation of foreign economic activity of the Pridneprovsky economic region under perfect conditions Journal title: Науковий журнал "Економічний вісник Донбасу" Authors: V. Lyashenko, R. Prokopenko, S. Dzyuba Subject(s):
A DOCUMENTARY REVIEW OF REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS PROBLEM: CASE OF MERSİN Journal title: Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Esat Koçak, Hakkı KİŞİ Subject(s):
The role of banks in financing international trade and achieving sustainable development - The case of Algeria Journal title: مجلة البشائر الاقتصادية Authors: Belghanami Nabila, Sehnoune Djemaleddine Subject(s): Economics, Management, Business, Finance
Evaluation of effectiveness of foreign economic activity of agro-industrial complex of the region Journal title: Економічний аналіз Authors: Iurii Gudz Subject(s):
ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ЕКСПОРТНО-ІМПОРТНОЇ СТРУКТУРИ АГРАРНОЇ ПРОДУКЦІЇ УКРАЇНИ ТА НАРОЩУВАННЯ ЇЇ ЕКСПОРТНОГО ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ Journal title: Збірник наукових праць Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету (економічні науки) Authors: Tetyana Krasnoded Subject(s):
STATE POLICY OF EXPORT STIMULATION: HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE LATE 19th – EARLY 20th CENTURY Journal title: Український соціум Authors: Karolina Gorditsa Subject(s):
Essence and problems of the foreign trade of Ukraine Journal title: Economic Bulletin. Series: Finance, Accounting, Taxation Authors: Yanina Belinska Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Finance and Financial Services, Marketing, Accounting, Business
The impact of the Russian economic policy on the Ukrainian economy and business development in the period of market and industrial transformation Journal title: Український соціум Authors: Tetiana Bodnarchuk Subject(s):
The current state and prospects of Ukrainian enterprises export activity development on the European market of cable products Journal title: Вісник соціально-економічних досліджень Authors: Inna Ukhanova Subject(s):
Institutional regulation of the development of trade and industrial sector of economy of Ukraine Journal title: Економічний аналіз Authors: O. Naumov, L. Naumova, Olha Naumova Subject(s):
Trafficking in human beings as a global problem of the present Journal title: Часопис Київського університету права Authors: Tetiana Mironyuk, Maryna Kоrol Subject(s):
COMPETÊNCIAS REQUERIDAS NO COMÉRCIO EXTERIOR: UM ESTUDO SOB A ÓTICA DE ESTUDANTES Journal title: Revista Competência Authors: Marcelo Almeida de Camargo Pereira Vera Lucia Felicetti Subject(s): Education, Communication, Recreation and Leisure, Fashion, Management
Foreign Trade Experiments in the Arkhangelsk Province (1916–1921): Historical Experience of Survival under Sanctions Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Tatyana I. TROSHINA Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science