The effect of specific strength training on the quality of gymnastic elements execution in young gymnasts Journal title: Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity Authors: Stanisław Sawczyn, Mariusz Zasada, Andrzej Kochanowicz, Bartłomiej Niespodziński, Michał Sawczyn, Vi... Subject(s):
THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TEAMS IN MEN’S AND WOMEN’S MEDALLISTS AND NON-MEDALLISTS AT THE 1996–2016 OLYMPIC GAMES ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS TOURNAMENT Journal title: Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine Authors: Almir Atiković, Sunčica Delaš Kalinski, Emilija Petković, Ivan Čuk Subject(s):
Differences in Some Motor Abilities of Girls Engaged and those that are not Engaged with Aesthetic Activities Journal title: Sport Mont Authors: Ivana Cosic Mulahasanovic, Amra Nozinović Mujanovic, Edin Mujanovic, Almir Atiković Subject(s):
Evaluation of the repeatability of a sports technique using selected kinematics quantities based on the example of back handspring Journal title: Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity Authors: Jarosław Omorczyk, Leszek Nosiadek, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Tadeusz Ambroży, Dawid Mucha, Przemysła... Subject(s):
The Correlation of Zilgrei Gymnastic and Second Stages of Labor Primigravida Journal title: Journal of Ners and Midwifery (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan) Authors: Agnis Sabat Kristiana, Rizkiana Rahayu Subject(s):
Rheumatic Gymnastics Increase Mileage in Elderly with Joint Pain at Nursing Home Dharma Bhakti Pajang Surakarta Journal title: Journal of Ners and Midwifery (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan) Authors: Tri Susilowati Subject(s):
The Correlation of Exercise and Range of Motion (ROM) on Elderly Knee Observasional Study on Elderly People in Pedurungan Semarang Journal title: SAINS MEDIKA (Journal of Medicine and Health) Authors: Adhitya Putra Widyantoro, Ika Rosdiana, Minidian Fasitasari Subject(s):
Judging in Rhythmic Gymnastics at Different Levels of Performance Journal title: Journal of Human Kinetics Authors: Catarina Leandro, Lurdes Ávila-Carvalho, Elena Sierra-Palmeiro, Marta Bobo-Arce Subject(s): Sports and Recreation, Nutrition and Metabolism, Kinesiology
EUGENIUSZ PIASECKI’S CONCEPT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION RULES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST CENTURY Journal title: Studia Humanistyczno-Społeczne Authors: Waldemar Makuła Subject(s):
The life and nonconformist views of sport of Hermann Weingärtner (1864–1919) Journal title: Studies in Sport Humanities Authors: Mateusz Rozmiarek Subject(s):
Precursory activity of Teodor Bakode, PhD on the field of Swedish remedial gymnastics in Lvov within (1856-1861) Journal title: Fizjoterapia Polska Authors: Sławomir Jandziś, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Marek Kiljański, Maciej Łuczak Subject(s):
TRAITS OF THE PRIMARY SELECTION IN ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS FOR THE SPORT ENTITIES IN REŞIŢA Journal title: Analele Universitatii „Eftimie Murgu” din Resita. Fascicola de Stiinte Social-Umaniste Authors: Zoltan KISS Subject(s):
The use of autogenic training in the preparation of qualified atletes in rhythmic gymnastics Journal title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация Authors: Subject(s):
Парадокси феномену та колізії легітимізації терміна «фізична культура» Journal title: Teoriya i metodika fizichnogo vihovannya i sportu Authors: Микола Саїнчук Subject(s):
DIFFERENCES IN MOTOR SKILLS IN GIRLS ENGAGED IN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS AND MODERN DANCE Journal title: Health Problems of Civilization Authors: Boris Popović, Nataša Penčić, Aleksandra Spasić Subject(s):