EFFECTS OF DWARFING GISELA 5 ROOTSTOCK ON REPRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL, VEGETATIVE GROWTH, AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF SOME SWEET CHERRY CULTIVARS IN HIGH-DENSITY SWEET CHERRY ORCHARDS Journal title: Current Trends in Natural Sciences Authors: Monica Popescu, Gheorghe Cristian Popescu Subject(s): Horticulture, Soil Sciences, Ecology, Landscape, Biology, Environmental Protection
EFFECT OF PLANTING POSITION ON THE VINEYARD SLOPE ON GROWTH, PRUNING WEIGHT, AND COLD HARDINESS OF GRAPEVINE CANE Journal title: Current Trends in Natural Sciences Authors: Gheorghe Cristian Popescu, Sorin Ursu Subject(s): Horticulture, Soil Sciences, Ecology, Landscape, Biology, Environmental Protection
Drama & Demigods: Kingship and Charisma in Shakespeare’s England Journal title: Religions Authors: Kristin M.S. Bezio Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Passing through Customs: Merold Westphal, Richard Kearney, and the Methodological Boundaries between Philosophy of Religion and Theology Journal title: Religions Authors: Justin Sands Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Transcendence, Taxis, Trust: Richard Kearney and Jacques Derrida Journal title: Religions Authors: Ulrich Schmiedel Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Mystical Body Theodicy Journal title: Religions Authors: Joshua C. Thurow Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Thin Blue Line of Theodicy: Flannery O’Connor, Teilhard de Chardin, and Competitions between Good/Good and Evil/Evil Journal title: Religions Authors: Sue Whatley Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
ADULT AND HIS OTHER: CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE CHILDHOOD IN THE AUSTRIAN MODERNIST FICTION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF R.M. RILKE) Journal title: Studia Litterarum Authors: Vera V. Kotelevskaya Subject(s): Literature, Languages and Literature
Processing of TiO2/ TiCxO1 −x Nano-ceramic Composite semiconductor: Novel Results Journal title: International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics Authors: S.Srivastava and Aman J. Shukla Subject(s): Engineering, Mathematics
Highly Secured High Throughput Efficient VLSI Architecture for AES Implementations Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: Ramoji Vasamsetti, P Ganesh, Ch Appala Swamy Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Design of Punctuality Enhanced Bus Transportation System Using GSM and Zigbee Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: Make. Madhu Manikya Kumar, K. Rajasekhar, B. Chiranjeevini Kumari, K.Pavani Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Clustering For Non sentence Data Sets Using HFRECCA (Hierarchical Fuzzy Relational Eigenvector Centrality based Clustering Algorithm) Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: K.Anusha, A.K.Mahalakshmi Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Side-Channel Passive Attacks Implementation to Cryptographic Hardware Using FPGA Journal title: International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology Authors: K.Durga Rajasekhar, O.Sudha Bharathi, K. Sirisha, R.Satish Kumar Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications