THE TRAINING IN BULGARIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN ІV GRADE – A FACTOR FOR THE FORMATION OF KEY COMPETENCIES FOR PUPILS Journal title: Knowledge International Journal Authors: Iva Andonova Stamenova Subject(s): Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, Medical Education , Environmental Biotechnology
AN EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATIONS ARE KEY TO USE EXISTING AND DEVELOPING NEW KNOWLEDGE Journal title: Knowledge International Journal Authors: Miodrag S. Ivanovic Subject(s): Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, Medical Education , Environmental Biotechnology
THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING Journal title: Knowledge International Journal Authors: Dragana Jovanović Kuprešanin, Gabrijela Lilić Subject(s): Education, Humanities, Social Sciences, Medical Education , Environmental Biotechnology
ESTIMASI NILAI EKONOMI WISATA TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG CIREMAI (TNGC) Journal title: Jambura Agribusiness Journal Authors: Asti Istiqomah, Akhmad Fauzi, Sahat MH Simanjuntak Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness
The Application of Storytelling: A Solution to Overcome the Students’ Speaking Problem Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Clara Resta Gihonita Sitorus Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Improving the Eleventh Graders’s Recount Text Writing through Mind mapping Technique at SMA PSKD 7 Depok Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Angga Putra Alam Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Using Talking Chips Technique to Develop the Tenth Graders’ Speaking Skills at SMK PSKD 1 Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Daniel Sbastian Pasaribu Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Parlindungan Pardede Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Students’ Perception on EFL Speaking Skill Development Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Situjuh Nazara Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Teaching the Four Language Skills in Primary EFL Classroom Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Eka Kurniasih Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
The Effectiveness of Short Story Use On Students’ Speaking Skill Development at SMPN 160 Jakarta Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Retta Mestika Ompusunggu Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Students’ Perception on the Role of English Day Program in Speaking Skill Development Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Octovany Sinaga Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Simulation Strategy and Oral Skill: A Classroom Action Research at SMPN 1 Citeureup Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Rosinta Uli Nuarsih Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Developing Computer–Based Instructional Media for English Speaking Skill at Senior High School Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Farida Noor Rohmah Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology
Making a Difference through Effective Instructional Strategies Journal title: Journal of English Teaching Authors: Luisito Nanquil Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Language Education, Languages and Literature, Philology