Where is my mind? Mark Rowlands on the vehicles of cognition Journal title: AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej Authors: Andreas Elpidorou Subject(s):
Explanatory Weaknesses of Intelligent Design Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Adam Grobler Subject(s):
SKOLOS sąvoka kolektyvinėje sąmonėje (socialinė-istorinė institucinio diskurso analizė) Journal title: Kalbu studijos / Studies about Languages Authors: Natalya Davidko Subject(s):
Метаісторичні підвалини періодизації історії світової музичної культури [Meta-historical Foundations of the Periodization of the World Musical Culture History] Journal title: Traektoriâ Nauki Authors: Alexander Opanasiuk Subject(s):
Study of the Precondition for the Contemporaneity of the Attitude of the Intellectual with the Era of the Infallibles (Study of the Ways to Generalize the Authenticity of the Attitude of the Intellectual to the Newly-Appeared Attitudes) Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: AlīRiḍā ‘ĀBidī SarāSiyā ‘ĀBidī SarāSiyā, MuḥAmmad ṢāDiq ‘Ilmī SūLā, MuḥAmmad KāẓIm ‘Ilmī SūLā Subject(s):
A Deliberation on Jurisprudential Evidences of Article 468 of Islamic Penal Law, Passed in 1392 sh/2013 Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Ali Muhammadian, Muhammad Mohseni Dehkalani, Muhammad Taqi Qabooli Durafshan Subject(s):
Artykuł 28 § 1 k.k. po nowelizacji z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. Uwagi na temat konieczności oddzielania strony podmiotowej czynu zabronionego od winy Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Zbigniew Jędrzejewski Subject(s):
An exploration into the concept of ‘assisting with sins’ in imami jurisprudence opinions Journal title: فقه و اصول Authors: Mohammad Ali Sheikh Al-Eslami Subject(s):
After Suárez: Physical and Intentional Causality in the 17th-18th Centuries Scholasticism Journal title: Scientia et Fides Authors: Galina Vdóvina Subject(s):
A Study of the Possibility of Access to the Author’s Intentions A Critique of the Hermeneutics of Anti-Intentionalism and the Theory of Author’s Death Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: ‘AlīRizā ‘ĀBidī SarāSiyā, Muhammad SāDiq ‘Ilmī SūLā, Muhammad KāZim ‘Ilmī SūLā Subject(s):
Analysis of profile of childhood kerosene poisoning in a tertiary care medical college hospital Journal title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: Menon Narayanankutty Sunil kumar, Vadakut Krishnan Parvathy Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Accidental poisoning its magnitude and implications in children Journal title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: Altaf Naseem, Mir Sumsam Ali Khurram, Sana Salim Khan, Shafi Khan AliKhan Gari, Nizar Lalani Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Семантичні моделі висловлень з модальними значеннями волевиявлення в українській мові (на матеріалі художніх текстів другої пол. ХХ ст.) Journal title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia Authors: Natalija Kurawśka Subject(s):
Intentional Caching in Disruption Tolerant Network Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Sincy Thomas Subject(s):