Analysis of Young Learners’ and Teenagers’ Attitudes to English Language Learning Journal title: International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Authors: Seda Arda, Feyza Doyran Subject(s):
Language of Instruction and Science Education in Algeria Journal title: BEST : International Journal of Humanities , Arts, Medicine and Sciences ( BEST : IJHAMS ) Authors: SAHNOUNE NISRINE Subject(s):
Gloswahilization of the African Mind: Language Ideology in Action Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Dainess M Maganda Subject(s):
Development of Student Language Attitudes Based on Metaphor Teaching Materials Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Budi Susanto, Surya Aji Bangun Siregar Subject(s):
Słowiańszczyzna znana i nieznana. O przeszłości i współczesności słowiańskich języków literackich Journal title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica Authors: Irena Bogocz Subject(s):
SIKAP BAHASA REMAJA URBAN TERHADAP BAHASA INDONESIA DI ERA MILENIAL (The Language Attitude of Urban Teenagers Towards Indonesian in The Millennial Era) Journal title: Kandai Authors: Nuryani nn Subject(s):
O ENSINO DE LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA EM FOZ DO IGUAÇU: POR UMA POLÍTICA SENSÍVEL À TRÍPLICE FRONTEIRA. Journal title: Ideação Authors: Isis Ribeiro Berger Subject(s): Humanities, Linguistics, Social Sciences
Inconsistencies and Adjustments in Language Policy: Evidence from the Linguistic Landscape Journal title: TRANS-KATA: Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education Authors: Selim Ben-Said Subject(s): Education, Linguistics, Literature, Tourism and Hospitality, Cultural Studies