ACTIVITY OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE AS A MARKER OF PARANEOPLASTIC RHEUMATOLOGICAL SYNDROME IN LUNG CANCER PATIENTS Journal title: Ukrainian Scientific Medical Youth Journal / Український Науково-Медичний Молодіжний Журнал Authors: S. A Lysenko , À. V. Melnik , R. G. Tserkovniuk Subject(s):
Expression of Cripto-1 gene protein and Activin-A in human lung adenocarcinoma tissue Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Yangyang Shan , Shenglei Li Subject(s):
Denoising CT Images using wavelet transform Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Lubna Gabralla, Hela Mahersia, Marwan Zaroug Subject(s):
Chest sonography images in neonatal r.d.s. And proposed grading Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: PRADEEP KULKARNI, NIKIT MEHTA, VASUDHA JADHAV Subject(s):
[b][i][u]An Ideal Choice in the Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases: Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery[/u][/i][/b] Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Authors: Ufuk Çobanoğlu, Fuat Sayır, Duygu Mergan, Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Akciğerin Nadir Malign Tümörü; Düşük Dereceli Fibromiksoid Sarkom: Olgu Sunumu Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Authors: Ismail Cuneyt Kurul , Ali Celik, Nalan Akyurek, Ilknur Teber , Mustafa Demiroz, Leyla Mem... Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Świadomość pacjentów dotycząca powikłań związanych z paleniem papierosów Journal title: Family Medicine & Primary Care Review Authors: Sylwia Przybylska-Kuć, Elżbieta Bartoszek, Małgorzata Dec, Wojciech Myśliński, Jerzy Mosiewicz Subject(s):
Epidermal growth factor reseptorünün küçük hücreli olmayan akciğer kanserindeki rolü Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Ayşe Nursal Subject(s):
Lung Cancer Detection on CT Scan Images: A Review on the Analysis Techniques Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence(IJARAI) Authors: H. Mahersia, M. Zaroug, L. Gabralla Subject(s):
Inflammatory pathways and microvascular responses in the lung. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: W M Kuebler Subject(s):
Νεαρή ασθενής με ήπια κλινική εικόνα και παθολογική ακτινογραφία θώρακος Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: G. MAGLARAS, A. GOGALI, E. SVARNA, S. STEFANAKIS Subject(s):
Buffalo Chest Secondary to the Asymptomatic Destroyed Lung Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Authors: Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Akciğerde Primer “Lemfoepiteliyoma-Like” Karsinoma Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Authors: Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Akciğer Kanserini Taklit Eden Gizli Yabanci Cisim Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Authors: Subject(s): Surgery, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medicine, General & Internal, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Działalność Oddziału Łódzkiego Społecznego komitetu Walki z Gruźlicą i chorobami Płuc w latach 1972-2003 Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Marta Miśkiewicz Subject(s):