On Medical Avatars in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Alain L Fymat Subject(s):
Menopause Hormone Therapy Current Evidence and Clinical Use Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Baquedano L, Lapresta M, Colmenarejo F Subject(s):
Clinical Biomarkers and Biotechnology in Fertile Window Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Murcia Lora José María Subject(s):
Fertility Awareness and Biotechnological Application by Innovation Networks Journal title: Interventions in Gynaecology and Women’s Healthcare Authors: Murcia Lora José María, Mejía Quiroga Jorge Enrique, M Ángeles Martínez Calvo Marian, Alberto Falces... Subject(s):
Shockwave Therapy in Atherosclerosis Journal title: LOJ Medical Sciences Authors: Michael AB Naafs Subject(s):
The World Politics of Dominique Moisi Journal title: LOJ Medical Sciences Authors: Thomas Scheff Subject(s):
Cefpodoxime Proxetil and its By-Products: A Comparative Study as Per EP-7 Journal title: LOJ Medical Sciences Authors: Krishnasarma pathy Subject(s):
Diptera Interested Veteriner in Malaysia (Malay Version) Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Uqbah Iqbal Subject(s):
About the Method of Calculating Pressure Redistribution in the Elastic Aquifer at Pumping Water Through Flowing Wells Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: NG Aloyan Subject(s):
Determination the Effect of Gibberellic Acid Foliar Spray on Growth in Olive Cuttings Cv. Coratina, Chetoui, Megaron under Saline Conditions Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Muhammad Arshad Ullah, Syeda Sana Aamir, Ahmed Behzad, Summaira Ali Subject(s):
A Short Review of Fuel Consumption Rates of Whole Tree and Cut-To-Length Timber Harvesting Methods Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Mohammad Reza Ghaffariyan, Robin Apolit, Martin Kuehmaier Subject(s):
Assessment of Sustainable Production of Stable Food Crops in Southern Darfur State, Sudan Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Babikir A Mohamed, Eltighani M Elamin, Abd Elaziz, Hashim Alobied Subject(s):
Environmental Accounting and Auditing and Eco mark Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Ibsa Mussa, Awel Feku, Mohammed Mussa Subject(s):
Determinants of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies Among Farm Households in Delta State, Nigeria Journal title: Current Investigations in Agriculture and Current Research Authors: Enimu Solomon, Onome George Edet Subject(s):