INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON THE STUDDED AGARICUS BLAZEI MURRILL MUSHROOM COMPOST Journal title: Current Trends in Natural Sciences Authors: Sándor Rózsa, Dănuţ-Nicolae Măniuţiu, Tincuţa-Marta Gocan, Rodica Sima, Vasile Lazăr, Melinda Rózsa Subject(s): Horticulture, Soil Sciences, Ecology, Landscape, Biology, Environmental Protection
Study on effect of culture medium and growth conditions on Liquid Spawn king oyster mushroom(Pleurotus eryngii) Journal title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences Authors: Javad Janpoor, Hamid R. Pourianfar, Shadi Shahtahmasebi Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences, Zoology and Animal Science, Agricultural Economics
Effects of Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst and Crinipellis schevczenkovi Buchalo aqueous extracts on skin wound healing Journal title: The Journal of Phytopharmacology Authors: Tetiana A. Krupodorova, Pavlo P. Klymenko, Victor Yu. Barshteyn*, Yuri I. Leonov, Dmytro W. Shytikov... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Agricultural Science, Biomedicine, Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy
Biosorption of Cu (II) onto chemically modified waste mycelium of Aspergillus awamori: Equilibrium, kinetics and modeling studies Journal title: Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Authors: Zdravka Velkova, Margarita Stoytcheva, Velizar Gochev Subject(s):
Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Water Ethanol Extracts from the Mycelium of Inonotus rheades (Pers.) Bondartsev & Singer Journal title: Журнал ÑтреÑÑ-физиологии и биохимии Authors: M. Borovskaya, T. Gornostay, G. Borovskii Subject(s):
CULTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF 20 LIGNICOLOUS BASIDIOMYCETES SPECIES THAT SYNTHESIZE VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Journal title: Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Serie noua, Sectiunea II a. Biologie vegetala Authors: CRISTIANA PETRE, CĂTĂLIN TĂNASE Subject(s):
MEADOW-STEPPER CHERNOZEMS (TYPICAL) OF LVOV REGION: GEOGRAPHY AND REGIONAL PECULIARITIES OF THE PROFILE CONSTRUCTION Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки Authors: I. Ya. Papish Subject(s):
BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM THE MYCELIUM OF MEDICINAL MUSHROOM INONOTUS RHEADES Journal title: International journal of ecosystems and ecology science (IJEES) Authors: Borovskii G.B.1,2*, Borovskaya M.K.1,2, Gornostay T.G.1 Subject(s):
INCORPORATION OF PALM OIL FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF BIOMASS AND POLYSACCHARIDES PRODUCTION THROUGH SUBMERGED FERMENTATION FROM LOCALLY ISOLATED PLEUROTUS SP. MYCELIUM. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Rahayu Ahmad, Ingabire Ndagije Clementine Clementine, Ju Sin Er, S.N.A.B. Syed-Mustaffa Subject(s):
INVESTIGATION OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE GANODERMA LUCIDUM G 02 DEEP CULTURE MYCELIUM Journal title: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY JOURNAL "Web of Scholar" Authors: Irena Feklistova, Diana Maslak, Stanislav Rizevsky, Veronika Lomonosova, Iryna Grineva Subject(s):
Perbedaan Pengaruh Media Tanam Serbuk Gergaji dan Jerami Padi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) Journal title: Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Authors: Baiq Farhatul Wahidah, Firman Adi Saputra Subject(s):
Pengaruh Intensitas Cahaya dan Nutrisi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Miselium Pleurotus ostreatus di Tangerang Journal title: Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Authors: Gervasius Harmin Wangrimen, Ferdian Ferdian, Meyta Valentine, Yashinta Budiyanti, Indah Juwita Sari Subject(s):
Production of Agaricus bisporus (JE Lange) Imbach Biomass under Submerged Cultivation by Using Citrus reticulata Blanco Waste as an Alternative Carbon Source Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Thomas M. Schmidt, Michele Hoeltz, Ana P. Müller, Jennifer Julich, Yuri G. Kappenberg, Guilherme G.... Subject(s):
EFFECT OF MUSHROOM DIET ON WEIGHT GAIN OF ALBINO RATS Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Milind Dudhane, Richa Lath, Shilpa Bhaise, Avdhesh Sharma, Umesh Pareek Subject(s):
Isolation and Identification of Candida Species in Endoscopic Specimens of the Patients with Peptic Ulcer Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Rajkumar Narasinghan, D. Senthil Pragash, Uma Maheswari Kuppusamy, Gnanasoory ,, Kalaiarasan . Subject(s):