Dermatoglyphics as a Non-Invasive Anatomical Marker in Early Childhood Caries Journal title: International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) Authors: Wahdan M Elkwatehy Subject(s): Medicine, Science, Technology
Understanding Hybrid Additive Manufacturing of Functional Devices Journal title: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Authors: Santosh Kumar Parupelli, Salil Desai Subject(s):
The Influence of Different Types of Rest on Football Players’ Ability to Repeat Phosphagen Exercise Journal title: Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine Authors: Paweł Wolański, Marek Zatoń, Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz Subject(s):
Position accuracy and fix rate of athletes in location monitoring Journal title: Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity Authors: Cezary Specht, Tomasz Szot Subject(s):
UTI CAJ BA ZIČ NO-MO TO RIČ KIH SPO SOB NO STI NA RE ZUL TA TE SPO SOB NO STI SPRIN TER SKOG TR ČA NJA Journal title: Sport Mont Authors: Niko Raičković, Nataša Branković Subject(s):
A Perspective on 3D Bioprinting Technology: Present and Future Journal title: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Authors: Shweta Agarwala Subject(s):
A Multipurpose Composition Based on Brilliant Blue R for Developing Latent Fingerprints on Crime Scene Evidence Journal title: Journal of Forensic Investigation Authors: G.S. Sodhi Subject(s):
A New DFO Method for Developing Latent Fingermarks on Thermal Paper Journal title: Journal of Forensic Investigation Authors: Yaping Luo Subject(s):
Spectroscopic and Photophysical Studies of Fingerprint Dusting Compositions Journal title: Journal of Forensic Investigation Authors: Smily Kapoor Subject(s):
Comparison of Footprint Ridge Density between Two South African Ethnic Groups Journal title: Journal of Forensic Investigation Authors: Laura Jane Heathfield Subject(s):
Quantitative Comparison of Partial-Full Fingerprints at Scenes Using a Hand-Held Digital Device: A Quasi-Experimental Design Study Journal title: Journal of Forensic Investigation Authors: John Zheng Wang Subject(s):
Statistical Modeling of Tear Strength for One Step Fixation Process of Reactive Printing and Easy Care Finishing Journal title: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Fariha Asim, Muzzaffar Mahmood Subject(s):
Мова насильства: друковане слово в імперському воєнно-патріотичному вихованні українського селянства Наддніпрянщини на зламі ХІХ-ХХ ст. Journal title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія Authors: Viktoria Voloshenko Subject(s):
Haemostatic efficacy: Exploration of Azadirachta indica Bark Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Janhavi A. Bhagwat Subject(s):
Investigation on lineworks printed with different types of flexographic printing forms for purposes of printed electronics Journal title: Challenges of Modern Technology Authors: Juliusz Krzyżkowski, Tomasz Dąbrowa, Jacek Hamerliński, Przemysław Śleboda Subject(s):