La editorial Ricordi y su aportación a la publicidad italiana de principios del siglo XX Journal title: index.comunicación Authors: Ruth Francia Ferrero Subject(s):
WORLD BOOK PUBLISHING: LESSONS FOR UKRAINE Journal title: Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право Authors: Olha SUKHORUKOVA Subject(s):
МОЗЕС РОЗЕНКРАНЦ: ПОЕТИЧНИЙ СВІДОК ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ (СПРОБА БІОГРАФІЧНОГО ПОРТРЕТА) Journal title: World Science Authors: Тетяна Іванівна Лакуста Subject(s):
NEW APPROACHES TO THE ADAPTATION OF CHILDREN LITERATURE AND ITS PUBLISHING IMPLEMENTATION Journal title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації" Authors: N. Polishko, O. Kulykova Subject(s):
Anti-Soviet Propaganda Literature Published by the Ukrainian Emigrants in Great Britain (the 1950s—1990s): The Idea and Its Implementation Journal title: Українознавство Authors: Mykola Tymoshyk Subject(s):
Fake Books as an Uninvestigated Phenomenon of the Ukrainian Emigration’s Publishing Activity: Genesis, Typology, Ways of Transporting to the Ussr, Scale, and Sources of Funding Journal title: Українознавство Authors: Mykola Tymoshyk Subject(s):
Author Rights Awareness among Researchers and Role of Librarians Journal title: Indian Journal of Library and Information Science Authors: Meghana Sanjeeva Subject(s):
Ranking of top authors of medical research of India: Quality Vs Quantity Journal title: The Journal of Medical Research Authors: Har Kaur Subject(s):