Design and Simulation of a Decentralized Railway Traffic Control System Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: T. Kara, M. Cengiz Savas Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Solutions to the problems of railway transportation safety improvement and passive protection of a passenger train in emergency collisions Journal title: Технічна механіка, Техническая механика, Technical Mechanics Authors: N. Naumenko, M. Sobolevska, O. Markova, Ye Kovtun, D. Horobets, V. Maliy, S. Syrota, I. Khizha Subject(s):
Issues on Simulation of the Railway Rolling Stock Operation Process – A System and Literature Review Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Piotr Czaja, Franciszek J. Restel Subject(s):
Kreatywność, innowacyjność i elastyczność – fundament sukcesu XXI wieku, nie tylko w branży SRK Journal title: Technika Transportu Szynowego Authors: J. Okroj Subject(s):
Logistikzentren unterstützen nicht nur den Eisenbahnverkehr, sondern entwickeln auch in bedeutendem Masse das Outsourcing Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Václav Cempírek, Rudolf Kampf Subject(s):
Identyfikacja taboru w zarządzaniu transportem kolejowym Journal title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe Authors: Jarosław Moczarski Subject(s):
Railway Traffic Organization Model Considering Allocation of Platform Edges for Passenger Trains Journal title: Archives of Transport System Telematics Authors: M. Jacyna, P. Gołębiowski, D. Pyza Subject(s):
Microprocessor Technology and Programmable Logic Controllers in New Generation Railway Traffic Control and Management Systems Journal title: Archives of Transport System Telematics Authors: M. Kornaszewski Subject(s):
Problematyka współpracy pokładowego systemu ERTMS/ETCS z Polską infrastrukturą Journal title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe Authors: Dominik Adamski, Krzysztof Ortel Subject(s):
Analiza stanu technicznego urządzeń sterowania ruchem kolejowym eksploatowanych na kolejach Polskich Journal title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe Authors: Mieczysław Kornaszewski Subject(s):
Diagnostyka urządzeń sterowania ruchem kolejowym Journal title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe Authors: Waldemar Nowakowski, Zbigniew Łukasik, Krzysztof Łukomski Subject(s):
The development of analysis and forecasting procedures of non-deterministic technological and economic processes on the basis of indicators of chaotic dynamics Journal title: Економіка: реалії часу Authors: Vladislav Skalozub, Ivan Klymenko Subject(s):
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE LIFE-CYCLE COST STRUCTURE FOR RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS Journal title: Ekonomicko-manazerske spektrum Authors: Tomasz Ciszewski, Waldemar Nowakowski Subject(s):
Selected Aspects of the Train Timetable Construction of Passenger Trains with the Consideration of Platform Edges and Stabling Tracks Allocation Problem Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Piotr Gołębiowski Subject(s):