Troubleshooting and maintenance of high-performance liquid chromatography- A Review Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Nutan N. Rao Subject(s):
Application of multi-shoots cultures in micropropagation of willow herb (Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop.) Journal title: Herba Polonica Authors: Mariola Dreger, Jolanta Wegenke, Joanna Makowiecka, Tomasz Michalik, Karolina Wielgus Subject(s):
Jatropha curcas L. and Ricinus communis L.: In vitro Plant Propagation from Shoot Tip Explants for Commercial Cultivation and Biofuel Production Journal title: Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology Authors: Kamrun Nahar, Rita Sarah Borna Subject(s):
Soil Sulfur Deficiency Indices Assessment for Wheat Production in Ethiopia Journal title: Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Authors: Assefa Menna Subject(s):
Correlation between Anthropometric Variable and Goal Shooting of Korfball Player Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Vegetative Growth, Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics in Kiwifruit Cultivars as Influenced by Deficit Irrigation Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
IR Detection of Impact Places of Projectiles in the Training System “ŚNIEŻNIK” Journal title: Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa Authors: Waldemar ŚWIDERSKI, Tomasz GŁOGOWSKI, Paweł HŁOSTA, Sławomir STĘPNIAK Subject(s):
In vitro Shoot Multiplication of Medicinally Important Plant Andrographis lineata Nees via Nodal Explants Journal title: European Journal of Medicinal Plants Authors: V. Aruna, T. Pullaiah Subject(s):
Investigation in Minerals Nutrients from Powders Deriving with Leaflets of Moringa oleifera L. and Beans of Vigna unguiculata W. for Fortification of the Flour Processed from New Shoots of Borassus aethiopum M. Journal title: Annual Research & Review in Biology Authors: Mahan Makado Romuald, Konan N’Guessan Ysidor, Sidibe Daouda, Coulibaly Adama, Biego Godi Henri Mariu... Subject(s):
Varieties and Nitrogen Rates on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Highland Maize in Toke Kutaye, Western Ethiopia Journal title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International Authors: Tolera Abera, Dagne Wegary, Tolessa Debele Subject(s):
Effect of Different Salt Concentrations on Germination and Seedling Growth of DIchondra (Dichondra repens) Journal title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Authors: Yaşar Özyigit, Sadik Çakmakci Subject(s):
Effects of Acacia albida and Crotalaria retusa on the Growth and Development of Tomato Journal title: Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International Authors: Passannet Augustin Schinzoumka, Aghofack-Nguemezi Jean, Tatchago Valère Subject(s):
Genetic Variability among Egyptian Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) for Their Tolerance to Cadmium Journal title: Journal of Applied Life Sciences International Authors: W. F. Ghidan, A. M. Elmoghazy, M. M. Yacout, M. Moussa, A. E. Draz Subject(s):
МЕТОДИКА РОЗРАХУНКУ УРАЖЕННЯ БЕЗПІЛОТНИХ ЛІТАЛЬНИХ АПАРАТІВ АРТИЛЕРІЙСЬКИМИ БОЄПРИПАСАМИ Journal title: Science Review Authors: О. В. Майстренко, Є. Г. Іваник, В. В. Прокопенко, Р. В. Бубенщиков, С. І. Стегура Subject(s):